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Beyond Eyes Xbox One

I've read numerous reviews of Beyond Eyes before I ever played. I saw scores as high as a nine, and scores as low as a five. Generally, that tells me this is a love it or hate it game. Knowing I could get a review code for our website, I decided to look into it.

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Get to Know @OMGitsJezy

Over the past few months we have written articles regarding YouTube reviewer, @OMGitsJezy, who unboxings and reviews various pieces of video game hardware. Sometimes we get ask, "Who is Jezy" to which we reply, "He's a YouTube content creator!" And that is true, he is that. But, everyone wants to know more about Jezy, so why not take a look at his latest video.

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Miitomo Launches in North America March 31st

Miitomo has been trending lately on all social media networks, and frankly, is getting mixed reviews. This shouldn't be surprising: some people will love it - and love to tell others about it - while many will also really hate - and be glad to let their opinions known.

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More Great DLC from Bethesda: Elder Scrolls Online

It's been a long while since the Elder Scrolls Online launched on PC, and even less time that the game has been available on console. However, Bethesda continues to show support for the game well after launch, and from our perspective, it keeps us playing. As a reviewer, a ton of video games come through my front doors on a weekly basis. Some get played, review, and 'dumped' to never - or basically never - be touched again. This hasn't been the case with Elder Scrolls Online. This is a game that gets played weekly in my home, and all of this added DLC just ...

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PDP Partnering with DICE with Mirrors Edge

So, another day, and another opportunity to gush over something Performance Design Products is doing. We are ok with it, and so should you. Remember a few months back when PDP launched a Fallout 4 controller and the internet went nuts over it? Well, it is happening again, although this time PDP is working with Mirrors Edige creators, DICE, to bring some really cool content to retail. Check out the pictures below, and let us know if you plan on picking either of these items up. Both are available for preorder now from PDP at here.

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First Fallout 4 DLC: Automatron

Robots in Fallout are a staple. They are everywhere, whether it's your kind butler or a robot that...wants to kill you? This latest DLC has you attempting to stop a robot uprising, run by kingpin Mechanist. It is your job to infiltrate Robco facilities and end the uprising.

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Never Underestimate the New 3DS

I've heard a lot of people question whether they should ever upgrade to the New 3DS or the New 3DS XL. The short answer in my opinion, is yes. Although only a few titles are currently taking advantage of the faster and more powerful processor, there is one extra feature on these new devices that makes playing certain games much more enjoyable.

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Formula Changing for LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens

Travelers Tales has been making LEGO games for a very long time now, and although they have their peaks and valleys, we all know that generally, they make a really solid, family friendly game. The fact that they are going to mess with the original formula for The Force Awakens game is surprising, but yet expected. In an email from Warner Bros. today, we got a first hand look at what might be coming in the next LEGO game, slated to launch this summer.

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What’s New in Hyrule Warriors Legends

We all know that the number one question that will be asked when Hyrule Warriors Legends launches this week is, "Should I buy this game again if I already own it on Wii U?" Well, if you have read our review, you will see that our answer to that question is yes. But, don't just take it form me.

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New Content in Ori and the Blind Forest Is On Point

Ori and the Blind Forest received a perfect 10/10 score form us at Games Reviews and for good reason. This is by far one of the best games I have ever played. Graphically it is superb, audibly outstanding, and it plays almost flawlessly. When it was announced that more content was being added to the game, and that there was a definitive edition, we realized we were getting a second chance to gush about this fabulous game.

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