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Nintendo Introduces the NES Classic Edition In A New Video

When Nintendo announced the NES Classic Edition, I freaked out! Ok, you already know that because of my recent More Thoughts From Me Special Edition! But I just have to say again how much I’m looking forward to this thing. And Nintendo is fueling that need even more with a new video about the system. We have the video below, plus my thoughts on it. The NES Classic Edition system is coming this November for $59.99. The system will have…

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Hitman Role Out Should be Admired

The way that Hitman was rolled out to the public might seem extreme to some, and downright ludicrous to others. Many argued that they were being given a game that wasn't finished, but would take your money up front anyways. While this might be true, I still like how the title rolled out for various reasons.

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Rock Band Rivals Available for Preorder Now

Rock Band has been weekly staple in my home ever since Harmonix sent over my review unit a few weeks ahead of launch. My family and I have had a great time playing the many songs, and the loads of DLC we have since purchased. It's always nice to get something new, however, which is why we are looking forward to Rock Band Rivals and the new PDP guitars!

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More Thoughts From Me #26: Catching The Denpa Men

Recently, a certain cellphone game that everyone won’t stop talking about got thinking about one of the coolest AR games I have ever played. The game is called The Denpa Men. In the game, you catch the Denpa Man via altered reality (AR) and then use them in video game battles. There are three Denpa Men games on North American 3DS systems. Let me tell you about the series! The Denpa Men is a game that uses AR and “radio…

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Nintendo Canada: 10 Things About Pokémon

Pokémon GO has launched on Android and ios devices in Canada, and Nintendo of Canada was nice enough to give us 10 facts about the Pokémon company that we may or may not know. We have listed all 10 below! Thanks to Nintendo for sending these over.

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More Thoughts From Me Special Edition #3: Nintendo Likes to Surprise

Sometimes, I forget that Nintendo likes their surprises. It’ll just seem like an average day and all of sudden, Nintendo of America will make some surprising announcement out of nowhere. Today, we get a big surprise from them. Nintendo announced that they are going to re-release the NES system as the NES Classic Edition. It is a small NES that comes with 30 games built into the system! I was stunned by this news and I can’t stop thinking about…

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Nintendo Launching Mini NES This Holiday

You have no read that headline incorrectly folks; Nintendo is actually releasing a mini Nintendo NES this holiday season packed with 30 games at a suggest retail price of 79.99. This is sure to be a very popular holiday gift, even if most of the games are available on the Virtual Console. People will want to own this, so preorder it when you have the chance.

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Ghostbusters Game a Hit with Younger Gamers

I've had the new Ghostbusters game for only a few hours, and while I'm enjoying it for what it is, I'm not overly enthusiastic about it. In fact, many of the feelings I had about the latest TMNT game are flooding back into my head as I play through this. It's fun for a while, but the repetitive nature of the game quickly takes over and all of a sudden, well, it is not so much fun anymore. However, there is another member of my family with an entirely different opinion.

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Press Release: Chronicle: Runescape Legends gets Major Update

Wednesday 13th July 2016, Cambridge, UK – The next chapter of Chronicle: RuneScape Legends has begun with the launch of a major update, six weeks after the critically-acclaimed online strategy card game debuted on Steam for PC. The 1.4 update brings with it the highly anticipated, sixth Legend – Morvran, the Slayer Master. Players will have to use their wits and guile to secure success and reap the rewards, as they strive to add the Legend to their collection.

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Nintendo Releases A New Trailer for Dragon Quest 7 for 3DS

The game I’m looking forward to the most this year is Dragon Quest 7: Fragments of the Forgotten Past for the 3DS. I became a huge Dragon Quest fan with Dragon Quest 9 for DS. Since then, I’ve been trying to play any Dragon Quest game I can get my hands on. Its so great that Nintendo and Square Enix will be bringing Dragon Quest 7 to the 3DS this year. Today, Nintendo released a new video for the game.…

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