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More Thoughts From Me #30: Nintendo Fan Projects Should Die

Nintendo has been taking a lot of heat lately. First, they took a fan remake of the second Metroid off-line. Then, they got rid of the Nintendo Power online archive, and just recently they ordered a Pokemon fan game to be taken down. Fans seem to be very upset with Nintendo. Most Nintendo fan sites are siding with the fans and saying that Nintendo should stop taking these projects down. I’m going to take a controversial stand and say that…

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So Just How Disappointing Is No Man’s Sky?

No Man’s Sky has been the subject of a lot of hype; the indie darling of the last three years in the gaming world. I know it’s not very original to start any article about No Man’s Sky in this way, but it’s important to remember this. We are, after all, finally able to play the thing for ourselves. And now that it’s out, the waiting for No Man’s Sky in and of itself is no longer the hot to

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Scoring No Man’s Sky on Potential?

As I work through countless hours of No Man's Sky, jotting down various thoughts as I go, I've started to think about how I'm going to write my review. Am I going to score it low because of hype Hello Games didn't create?

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July Lvl Up from Loot Crate Review

I've been reviewing both Loot Crate and Loot Gaming for a few months now, and magically in the mail last week, I received another of Loot Crates awesome packages; in this short article we are looking at July's Lvl Up from Loot Crate!

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Curve Digital Announces Adventure Game The Little Acre

Publisher Curve Digital announced a new game called The Little Acre on twitter today. We have details for the game and a trailer below. Plus: what do I think of the Little Acre?! Read on to find out! Curve Digital announced a new game called the Little Acre today. The game is being developed by Pewter Games with Charles Cecil as the executive producer. I admit I had no idea who Charles Cecil is. I looked here and found out!…

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Stock Up On Items! Circle Entertainment Brings Kingdom Item Shop To 3DS Next Week

Circle Entertainment brought a strategy rpg called Ambition of the Slimes to the 3DS eshop today. The game looks very impressive. If you think Circle is going to take a break now, you are dead wrong! Circle confirmed on twitter today that they will be bringing a different type of game to the 3DS next week. The game is called Kingdom Item Shop! We have the release date, a trailer, and my thoughts on the game below. Kingdom Item Shop…

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No Man’s Sky: A Calming Experience

If you've had the pleasure of playing Subnautica, Ark, or a host of other survival titles, you know how tense and stressful they can be. In Ark for example, no matter where you decide to set up shop and lay down some roots, you always need to be aware of predatory

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More Thoughts From Me #29: Golfing With Mario

I’m not a sports fan. I avoid watching sports on TV, get annoyed when they pre-empt my favorite shows, and never go to watch them live either. I also don’t care about sports video games. Well, for the most part anyway. There are a couple of exceptions to the sports game rule. I really liked Wii Sports. And also…I’m addicted to Mario GOLF. What?! I like a golf game?! Yes, I like the Mario Golf series. Let me try to…

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Word Logic by POWGI Release Date and Trailer

During E3, I played a demo of Lightwood Game’s next word game: Word Logic by POWGI. I liked the demo a lot. It was a hard game, but it was also a very good one. Lightwood Games has now confirmed a release date for Word Logic and posted a new trailer. We have both for you below. Word Logic by POWGI will be coming to the Wii U and 3DS on August 18th. I previewed the game during E3 and…

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PDP Launches new amiibo Stands

There are people in this world how are outstandingly creative, and when it comes to creating home made shelving units to hold their plethora of amiibo, they create something that wows the internet. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people, so until this past week, most of my amiibo have been buried in a storage container beside my television. Sure, my favorite Yoshi amiibo was proudly displayed on the PDP Warp Pipe amiibo stand, but that was about it. This August, PDP launched more amiibo stands at great prices, and were kind enough to send me a few. Look ...

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