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New Pokémon Details from Nintendo Direct

If you didn't get to see the Nintendo Direct from yesterday, do yourself a favour and hop over to the Nintendo YouTube page and watch it, or see the video below. One of the coolest announcements during that direct was the unveiling of a brand new, Pokeball designed New Nintendo 2DS XL. On top of that, new details were provided for the upcoming Pokémon titles heading to the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.

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“Eat it Jerry” Live Action Trailer for Shadow of War

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment knows they have a mega hit on their hands with Middle Earth: Shadow of War, the sequel to the well received Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor title which was released a few years ago. The PR for this game has been incredible, with new trailers being released multiple times a week, on an almost weekly basis. How can we possibly hype this game up even more? With another live action trailer, that is how! Check it out below:

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Assassins Creed Origins: New Combat

One of the defining features of the newest Assassin's Creed game is an all new combat system which takes into consideration your level v. the enemies level, and your equipment v. your opponents equipment. Gone are the days of wait, party, attack as you move through one enemy after the next. Now, it's a free for all that you better be prepared for!

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One Piece Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition Review

For the uninitiated, One Piece Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition is an HD port with DLC based on the PS3 classic title released a number of years ago. The game has also been previously available on the Nintendo 3DS and the Nintendo WiiU. For those who have played through this title in the past, it is much the same, aside from a few graphical changes and a bunch of quests added in. With so many great PS4 titles on the horizon, it's hard to say this is a must play, but for those who have never had the pleasure, I highly recommend it!

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Assassins Creed Origins: A Living World

The team at Ubisoft Montreal behind the newest Assassin's Creed title have been hard at work putting together the world of Egypt. Ever since the release of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag over four years ago, this specific team have putting the world of Egypt through its paces, and creating new systems that are unique to this franchise. Assassin's Creed Origins is the perfect installment after a year hiatus, and we are detailing why with an article every day about the game between 9/11 - 9/15!

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Monster Hunter Stories Review

When I first saw Monster Hunter Stories in the Nintendo eShop, it was right around the day the demo landed, and everybody kept saying online, "It's Pokémon, but Monster Hunter." I was intrigued immediately, but that excitement was quickly quashed when I realized that Monster Hunter Stories is almost nothing like Pokémon at all. Then I played the demo, and a new wave of excitement passed through me. Monster Hunter Stories is not a game without a number of faults, but the overall package work really well, making it one of my favorite 3DS games this year.

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Jackbox Party Pack 1 & 2 on Nintendo Switch

Jackbox Party is a phenomenally entertaining game on console, and if you haven't had the pleasure of playing any of the packs yet, perhaps you will jump at yet another opportunity on yet another console: the Nintendo Switch. If you are unfamiliar with Jackbox Party, it is a collection of games that you can play with friends, using the console and TV as your 'hub' and your smartphones or tablets as your 'controller.' The games can be wacky at times, but overall, they dish out great helping of pure fun!

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Opinion: Will Third Party Developers Stick With the Nintendo Switch?

They say you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, but I can’t help asking the following question. I keep seeing third party games being announced for the Nintendo Switch. I think its a great thing. I love that third party games are coming to the system. I hope we see more. That said, will the third party developers stick with the system? Will they bring more games? Nintendo fans have been down this road before. We have been…

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LEGO Worlds is the Perfect Fit on Nintendo Switch

When LEGO Worlds came out earlier this year on the PS4 and Xbox One, we jumped at an opportunity to review the title, and thanks to Warner Bros. in Canada, we had that opportunity. You can read our (mostly positive) thoughts here! When doing that review, the one thing I constantly said to friends, my PR representative, and almost everyone else was: "I cannot wait for this game on Nintendo Switch." That time is here, and I was so right with that initial observation: the portability of LEGO Worlds on Nintendo Switch legitimately put my 50+ lbs of LEGO bricks ...

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EA Access an Incredible Value

We've commented and reviewed EA Access before when the service first launched and Xbox Canada supplied us with a 12 month review code, but I've since let my membership with the program lapse, not because there wasn't value, but as a reviewer, much of what was available on the service I had already played and completed, and with so much work on my desk at any given time, going back to an older title isn't a luxury I can have. With the recent launches of Madden 18 and (soon) NHL 18, I re-up'd my service thanks again to Xbox Canada, and realized the immense ...

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