Stop the press! The biggest news of the gaming day - and it's been a day filled with gaming news - is that the next update to the iOS includes the ability to use third party controllers with the system. Announced yesterday, very few details have been shared, but the very news will be enough to open up a whole new world of mobile gaming, and it might even make a few old favourites even more of a pleasure to play.
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Dead Ahead Review
Designing an endless runner game that catches the attention of the public must be a challenge. The App store is flooded with them, because they are great for quick gaming sessions and they don't typically require complex inputs from the player. How does Dead Ahead set itself apart from the pack?
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Deus Ex: The Fall announced for iOS
Yesterday, Square Enix made a bit of a surprising announcement: the next Deus Ex game was almost ready for release, and would launch in July on... mobile phones and tablets?
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Narcoguerra Review
NarcoGuerra is the latest in a series of 'Game the News' games. The idea is to take a real world issue, in this case the ongoing battle between Mexican police forces and drug cartels, and make it a little easier to understand how complicated the situation truly is. But is NarcoGuerra a good game, or just a fancy news piece?
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Popcap Announce Plants Vs Zombies 2: It’s About Time
PopCap have announced a follow-up to their hugely successful tower defence title Plants Vs Zombies, subtitled "It's About Time." Filled to the brim with Back to the Future references and unveiling a few new plant types, the trailer is the hilarious good fun that made PopCap's games so popular in the first place. Plants Vs Zombies 2 will have you defending your lawn across time and space, although how much of an affect that will have on actual gameplay won't be seen until the game releases next month.
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Sonic The Hedgehog Review
The original ports of the classic Sonic franchise to iOS were not so well-received: running on a terrible, cheap-looking emulator, the various Sega classics (be it Sonic, Streets of Rage, or others) just looked and played like crap. Enter Christian Whitehead, who Sega brought in to develop ports of Sonic games using his engine. The first result of this, 2011's Sonic CD for iOS was such a success, it only made sense for them to go back and tackle some of their other blue hedgehog-starring releases - this continued last week, when the 2.0 update to Sonic the ...
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Sorcery Review
Grey-bearded old gamers love to spin tales of the glorious days back when playing a game meant running text adventures on a university mainframe. Good times indeed, grandpa, but there’s a slightly less-grizzled generation of gamers who are too young to remember sneaking in a game of Zork between computer science classes. This generation can still recall the many attempts to simulate computer adventure games, but without actually using a computer. These often took the form of “Gamebooks” which used printed books to ape the basic mechanics of an interactive ...
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Star Command Review
Star Command is easily some of the most fun I have ever had on iOS and is a game that you almost have to have if you play on your phone or tablet. If you've heard of Star Command at all, you will likely understand the appeal straight away. Take a starship and build all the rooms inside, then hire a bunch of crew members and take to the stars while looking at some interesting planets (always from a distance, unfortunately) and destroying strange and hostile aliens.
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LEGO Batman DC Superheroes Review
In general terms, if you've played one LEGO title, you've played 'em all. Though each series features different, property-specific mechanics (like the spells in the Harry Potter titles), the concept never changes. Watch a cut scene, enter a room, smash and bash everything in sight, solve a puzzle, repeat. There's certainly nothing wrong with this; when it comes to simplistic third-person platformers, LEGO's created a specific niche that only collecting golden nuts and bolts can fill.
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Mailboxing Review
Have you ever been tempted to knock over a few mailboxes? How about whilst driving a tank and whilst dressed as Kim Jong Un? Mobile games need to be easy to pick up, easy to play, humorous (or at least accessible) and playable in short snippets over a long time. Mailboxing is all of those things. It's such an ideal mobile game, in fact, that it may just end up being the new must-play on the App Store.
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