It was the surprise fantasy detective story of 2013, but unfortunately Telltale's The Wolf Among Us disappeared of a lot of radars when the developer announced episode two wouldn't be available until 2014. Now, with the first episode of season two of The Walking Dead out of the way, Telltale have announced a more specific release date: the first week of February.
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Excalibur Review
Excalibur is a 2D mobile action MMORPG (Massively multiplayer online game) developed by R2Games for iOS and Android devices. The game allows player to choose from 3 unique character classes and send them on a medieval adventure alone or with friends, battling Knights, Goblins and Dragons in order to retrieve the legendary sword of heroes, Excalibur.
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Angry Birds Rio Update Launched, More Incoming
More than two years on, Angry Birds Rio has probably been lost in the mess of Star Wars spin-offs that the top casual franchise has released in the time since, but that's not stopping the developers from releasing an update to celebrate the release of Rio 2.
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The Walking Dead Season 2 Coming This Month
Well, after a rather explosive episode of The Walking Dead aired this week, I’m sure we’re all hoping to find some way of getting our franchise fix to tide us over until the show continues in February next year. “Coincidentally,” TellTale is on hand to provide. The official TellTale Twitter account yesterday confirmed that the first episode of season two of The Walking Dead would debut later this month. The episode will be called “All That Remains,” and will feature…
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Icycle On Thin Ice Review
Dennis is having a bit of a bad day. The world has been frozen over, he's all alone, he has nothing but a creaky bicycle to make his way through the frozen hellscape and, on top of all that, some video game player keeps dressing him up in silly clothes. Dennis is the unfortunate fellow who stars in Icycle: On Thin Ice, and over the course of the game he will be crushed, impaled, exploded, and forced to suffer the indignities of being treated like a Barbie doll by a cruel, unsympathetic player.
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EPOCH 2 Review
There's a problem with iOS sequels: the phrase "more of the same thing" would be an understatement in describing the 'changes' most games make before attaching a numeral. There are a few bright spots here and there (Fieldrunners 2, Infinity Blade 2, Mikey Hooks), but for the most part, new gameplay mechanics, modes, and improvements (other than graphical) are few and far between. Unfortunately, EPOCH 2 isn't one of these innovative sequels - but despite a few frustrating shortcomings, retains the break-neck gameplay pace and fantastic touch control scheme of ...
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PS Mobile Expanding in Europe
If you live in the UK, the US, or some other "major" gaming country, it can be a little hard to believe that there are some places that are yet to get some of the things we take for granted. Take PlayStation Mobile, for instance, which Sony have today announced will be making its way to several new countries in mid-December.
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Sorcery 2 Review
The problem with Dungeons & Dragons was that it could only be played with a group. Desktop PCs in the 80s had a few text adventure games that mimicked the D&D experience as a single-player adventure, but PC's were rare and pricey back then. A cheap, portable alternative were Gamebooks that used printed text and images to replace a live dungeon master. They also had simplified D&D style rules to govern variable and give players choice over how their adventure played out.
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LEGO Lord of the Rings Makes it to iOS
Relive the Fellowship’s adventure all over again, this time on your iOS device. Warner Brothers have announced that they’re bringing LEGO Lord of the Rings to iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, at only £2.99. It looks like it’s based on the handheld version of the game – the same you would have played if you bought LEGO Lord of the Rings on Nintendo 3DS or PlayStation Vita – so things are a little different to the version on consoles and…
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New Star Soccer Update Released
New Star Soccer - the mobile sports game that beat out the likes of FIFA and Football Manager at the BAFTAs this year - has recieved a new major update that changes and enhances its award winning gameplay, as well as adding new features to keep you addicted all over again.
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