The gaming industry is one of the world’s largest and most powerful. And it has grown in stature over the past ten years. And we have seen many different forms of gaming that have evolved and adapted. These days mobile gaming is hugely popular among young people, and Pokémon Go has really brought this to the forefront.
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Hi! We wanted to let you know that AGRICOLA: ALL CREATURES BIG & SMALL is out now on Android, iOS, and Windows 10 devices! Developed by board game experts DIGIDICED, the digital adaptation of Uwe Rosenberg’s award-winning two-player favorite retails for $4.99 and includes an optional expansion, More Buildings Big & Small. In Agricola: All Creatures Big & Small, the player is the owner of an old farmstead with a bit of land. However, a neighboring farmer happens to have…
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Best iOS Sports Games of 2016
Mobile phones have really gone a long way from the days when you could only kill some time by playing Snake or Solitaire. With all the hardware flagship devices now boast, it’s hard to contain your excitement about the gaming possibilities (literally) at hand. And rarely is that excitement as visible as when someone mentions sport games.
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New Ghostbusters Games Are Out Today
For better or worse, the new Ghostbusters movie is a thing. And with a new Ghostbusters movie, there also must come a new Ghostbusters game! Check out the press release (and a trailer) for the new console and mobile Ghostbusters games below. Are you ready for some new Ghostbusters games? Check out this press release to see if either of these two new games appeal to you: ” ACTIVISION PUBLISHING, INC. LAUNCHES NEW GHOSTBUSTERS VIDEO GAMES Local Co-op Action Ghostbusters …
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Mobile: Nintendo’s future?
Nintendo might want to move more of their franchises to mobile if the reports regarding Pokemon GO are any indication. Although I like Nintendo on their own platform, and wish they would remain there, you cannot deny the success of the Pokemon Release. According to some reports, Nintendo and the Pokemon Company have racked up over 14 million dollars in revenue already. That is huge! The argument for Nintendo going to more than just mobile could easily be made here.…
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Geek Fuel May 2016 Unboxing and Review
We are back with another subscription box unboxing video, and this time it is Geek Fuel's May 2016 box with items from Deadpool, Game of Thrones (unfortunately not in mine!), Uncharted, and more! This was our first time looking at a Geek Fuel box and apparently we got set up just in time to get what might be the best subscription box from start to finish that I have ever seen. Thanks to Mike over at Geek Fuel for hooking us up with this box to review. Our full written review is below the video!
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1 Up Box May 2016 RPG Unboxing and Review
We just recently got our first 1 Up Box in the mail, and of course, we had to unbox it and review the contents. For it being the first box I got from this company, I have to say the bar is set fairly high. Check out the video directly below here and the full review with pictures will follow. Thanks again to 1 Up Box for sending this over. If you want to order your own 1 Up Box, just head to and get the subscription length that you want!
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Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek
Puzzles games have predominantly found their way onto mobile devices. These games lend themselves to touch screens and for on-the-go gaming. When companies attempt to move games from mobile to console, the results are often disastrous.
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French Developer DotEmu Releases Pang Adventure
French developer and publisher DotEmu has launched their latest title, Pang Adventure, on PC, Xbox One, and mobile today. Pang Adventure focuses on two protagonists that must save the human race from an alien invasion. With its bright graphics, Pang Adventure is sure to enlighten many players, both young and old.
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Miitomo is a Hit
Miitomo is a hit, and know one should be surprised. While I continue to have my reservations about how long it will continue to be relevant without some significant changes, it appears as if people are happy with it for now. They are really happy, in fact. Today, Nintendo released some data on Miitomo's success since launch. With over 4 million active monthly users, the game is generating 40,000 dollars per day. The average user is playing for 8 minutes per day.
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