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League of Evil Review

Mission Log. 8/31/2017. The League of Evil have sent their scientists out to cause trouble. I have been dispatched to elimiate them by any means neccessary. I prefer my fists. The League of Evil will not win. With my Nintendo Switch in hand, I’ll take them down and then go out for a beer. League of Evil’s story is pretty simple, but the addition of humor helps it a bit. Its a very dry humor, so its possible that some…

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Nindies Summer Showcase 2017

Nintendo of America did a Nindies Summer Showcase video presentation today. A lot of games were shown off. Check out the video below and please come back for my opinion of the showcase and the games shown. The Nindies Summer Showcase today was really good. I wasn’t sure it would be at first because I didn’t find the initial games that impressive (Super Meat Boy Forever looked ok, but not my sort of game). But then we got big news…

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Across the Ocean: A Look At Oceanhorn for Nintendo Switch

One of the first games I thought of downloading onto my recently bought Nintendo Switch was Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas. I remember Adam Roffel telling me how good it was. I remember reading his review. And of course, I’m a big Zelda fan. Oceanhorn looked like a lot of fun. So I finally bought Oceanhorn for the Switch and I have been playing it a lot. Here are my thoughts on the game so far. Oceanhorn for the Nintendo…

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Nintendo of America Will Have a Nindie Showcase Video Presentation This Wednesday

Nintendo of America loves their Nintendo Directs and video presentations (so do I!). And so it should come as no surprise that another video presentation is coming up soon. This time, Nintendo will highlight Indie games coming to the Nintendo Switch! Nintendo of America’s Nindie Showcase video presentation, according to their twitter account, will highlight “multiple indie games coming to Nintendo Switch.” The presentation will be up at 10am PT on Wednesday, August 30. There is no word on what…

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Press Release: Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack Coming to Nintendo Switch This Fall

Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack will be coming to the Nintendo Switch this fall. Check out the press release below for more information. “NEW JERSEY – Aug. 28, 2017 – Prepare to jump into one of the most electrifying 2D platformers out there as Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack is heading for Nintendo Switch at North American and European retailers. This October, fans can pick up the two-in-one package featuring both Nintendo 3DS classics, Azure Striker Gunvolt and Azure Striker…

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One More Dungeon crawls onto the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Vita This Year

Ratalaika Games is of the best Indie publishers out there. They have a new game, League of Evil, coming to the Switch next week! And today they announced that they will be bringing another game, One More Dungeon, to the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Vita later this year. One More Dungeon, developed by Stately Snail will be coming to the Nintendo Switch, Vita, and PlayStation 4 later this year thanks to Ratalaika Games. The game is a first person…

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Steamworld Dig 2 Announced For PlayStation 4 and STEAM

We’ve known for a little bit now that Steamworld Dig 2 was coming to the Nintendo Switch. Image & Form said early on that the title wouldn’t be exclusive to the platform and they’d announce other platforms later. And now its later and we know that the game will be coming to the PlayStation 4 and STEAM also. Along with that, we have details about where else the game will and will not appear. Steamworld Dig 2 has been announced…

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More Thoughts From Me E3 2017 Edition: Xbox Strikes Back

E3 officially started today with Xbox! I have been very skeptical of Xbox for awhile now. I hoped that I would like today’s presentation, but I didn’t think I would. So my reaction to today’s event surprised me. What did I think of Xbox’s E3 2017 conference? Read on to find out! The Xbox E3 2017 press conference started a bit rough. Xbox One X? What? Such a lazy and confusing name. And then they went on and on and…

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Animal Gods Review

Wii U indie games are starting to become a rare thing. Whenever a new Wii U game comes out, I find myself smiling and hoping that its a good game. Anmal Gods for Wii U came out last week. I have been playing it for review and I'm finally ready to share with what I thought of the game.

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Attack of the “Retro” RPG: A Preview of Dragon Sinker for 3DS

Back in the NES days, I wasn’t an rpg fan. It wasn’t till years later with Final Fantasy 7 that became an rpg fan. And after I really got into rpgs, I went back and was able to appreciate and like the older rpgs. So whenever an indie developer, say KEMCO for instance, puts together a game in the “retro” rpg style I’m excited. Dragon Sinker for the 3DS (Developed by KEMCO) came out last week. It is a new…

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