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Sea of Stars – Pre-Order Trailer

Sea of Stars is fast approaching! In fact, today its available for pre-order on the Nintendo Switch eshop. Check out the pre-order trailer below along with our thoughts on whats shown. Sea of Stars looks amazing. Of course, we thought it looked amazing all along but the newest trailer revealed some pretty cool things. For instance, we had no idea that you could swap characters in and out of battle. And going along with that, a new character was revealed…

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Blasphemous 2 Nintendo Switch Review

Blasphemous 2 is a really tough Metroidvania. Though just because a game is tough, doesn’t mean its bad. In fact, some of the best games are ultra tough. Is Blasphemous 2 among their ranks? Let’s find out! Here’s our review of Blasphemous 2 for the Nintendo Switch. The story of Blasphemous 2 is about a knight who goes on a mission to find out whats going on in his world. Well, at least that’s what we gathered from the story.…

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Flutter Away Review

If you like cozy games, then Flutter Away may be for you. Here is our review of Flutter Away for the Nintendo Switch! Flutter Away is a cozy nature adventure game where you take pictures of animals and other things in a jungle and add the pictures and documentation to your in-game journal. There is no real story to this game other than you’re out in the wild for five days and have to finish all your goals by then.…

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin Game Teased

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is seeing a massive resurgence at the moment. The Mutant Mayhem movie has put it in the spotlight again. And one of the coolest comic books, TMNT The Last Ronin, is getting a video game. It was teased today! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Last Ronin is a fantastic TMNT story. If you’ve ever been a fan of the Turtles, you should check the book out. And this game will hopefully be hopefully. THQ Nordic has…

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Rainbow Skies Review

Rainbow Skies is a strategy jrpg that is a bit different from what you typically see in the genre. Is a good game? Will strategy fans enjoy it? Here is our review of Rainbow Skies for the Nintendo Switch! Rainbow Skies is a strategy jrpg where the main character finds himself and his best friend living in the sky and then going to the surface accidently and ending up on a quest with a new friend. Yes we’ll keep the…

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Red Dead Redemption Arrives On Nintendo Switch August 17th

Red Dead Redemption was Rockstars take on the Western, a Grand Theft Auto type game set in the old West. And its coming to the Nintendo Switch very soon. Check out the trailer below. Red Dead Redemption will be coming to the Nintendo Switch on August 17th. This announcement took me by surprise. I couldn’t remember if the game had been previously announced for the Switch. It appears that it was newly announced today though! Whoa. And its coming really…

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Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope DLC 3: Rayman in the Phantom Show – Reveal Trailer

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope will be getting its third and final DLC at the end of this month. Check out the reveal trailer below! Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope DLC 3: Rayman in the Phantom Show will be coming out on August 30th! And this upcoming DLC looks amazing! We were a bit underwhelmed by the first DLC and thought the second one was ok, but this one looks like it’ll be just what we’ve been waiting…

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Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2: Announce Trailer

Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2 was announced today. Check out the trailer below. Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2 has been announced! While the trailer above is for the Xbox, the game will also be available on the Nintendo Switch, PS4/PS5, and STEAM. Based on the trailer, it looks like the sequel has been given a visual upgrade from the original and also some new fighters will be joining along with returning ones. It looks like a pretty game! What do…

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This Way Madness Lies

“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” Twelfth Night, William Shakespeare This Way Madness Lies is no ordinary game. Dear Reader, bear with me, as we take a journey that may twist the mind and at the end, you may consider me mad or mad yourself. In this game, you play as a group of Magical Girls, similar to what you’d find in Sailor Moon. These high school…

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This Way Madness Lies Nintendo Switch eShop Pre-Orders Begin Tomorrow (7/19)

This Way Madness Lies, an upcoming indie rpg from the creator of Cosmic Star Heroine, will be available to pre-order starting tomorrow, July 19th. The game is coming out on July 25th. Check out the Nintendo Switch annoucement trailer below. This Way Madness Lies is part of Shakespeare inspired and part Magical girl anime inspired. This unique combination looks pretty good actually. Its turn-based jrpg gameplay with an interesting twist. It even has a slight Phantasy Star vibe to it!…

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