Dungeons and Doomknights is a brand new game styled after the NES action adventure games of old. Is it worth checking out? Here’s our review of the game for Nintendo Switch! Dungeons and Doomknights is an all-new retro 8-bit action/adventure game that was created for the NES. And now its on the Nintendo Switch with a bunch of extras. Is it any good? Yes, it is very good. If you’re like me and you grew up with this sort of…
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Born of Bread Review
Born of Bread is another indie game thats inspired by Paper Mario. Is Born of Bread worth checking out? Let’s go see what’s in the oven. Here’s our review of Born of Bread for the Nintendo Switch. In Born of Bread, a cook is just trying to make dinner for his queen when someone comes along with a new recipe. He puts it in the oven and next thing he knows: he’s a dad. Wait, what? Well, you see the…
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Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince Launch Trailer
Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince comes out tomorrow (12/1) for the Nintendo Switch. Check out the launch trailer below along with some thoughts on the game. Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince is out tomorrow, December 1st, 2023, for the Nintendo Switch. I love Dragon Quest. It is, without a doubt, my favorite jrpg franchise. I reviewed Dragon Quest 11 S for the Switch and gave it a 10 out of 10. I also enjoyed Infinity Strash and Treasures.…
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Alan Wake 2 Review
If you miss how Resident Evil and Silent Hill use to be, then boy do we have a game for you. Alan Wake 2 is a modern survival horror game that also feels like a throwback to the good old days. Should you check it out? Here’s our review of Alan Wake 2 for the Xbox Series. In Alan Wake 2, you play as two different characters: there’s FBI agent Saga Anderson and at some point you’ll get Alan Wake…
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Steamworld Build Review
The developers of Steamworld are constantly taking chances with the franchise. The newest game in the series is Steamworld Build and its pretty unique. Is it worth checking out? Here is our review of Steamworld Build for the Nintendo Switch! A group of pioneer robots are setting out to figure out what they’ll do next. Wait, pioneer robots?! Welcome to Steamworld Build. This time you’ll be constructing a town in order to…well…we don’t want to give anything away. The story…
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Jurassic Park Classic Games Collection Review
Welcome to Jurassic Park! In this collection you’ll find seven games from the past of this dinosaur franchise. What else will you find? Is this a collection worth checking out? Here is our review of Jurassic Park Classic Games Collection for the Nintendo Switch. The Jurassic Park Classic Games Collection has seven games, one of which is a special editon of another one. The games are based on the original Jurassic Park movies of course and largely feature Dr. Grant…
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Arcadian Atlas Is Coming to Consoles Next Week
Arcadian Atlas, a strategy rpg, is coming to consoles next week! Check out the launch trailer below. Acadian Atlas is coming to Nintendo Switch, Playstation, Xbox, and STEAM on November 30th. Thats next week. This game looks really cool. Its a strategy rpg that reminds me a lot of Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Orge. I love the art style and just everything I see about the game so far. It’ll make a great addiction to all the systems, though…
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Jurassic Park Classic Games Collection Launch Trailer
Jurassic Park Classic Games Collection is out today for the Nintendo Switch and other systems. Check out the launch trailer below! Jurassic Park Classic Game Collection is out today for the Nintendo Switch and other systems. I’m currently checking out the collection thanks to Limited Run Games and will try to have a review later in the week. I can say that, so far, is pretty neat. I think I only have played the SNES game, so I don’t have…
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What the Duck Review
What the Duck is a new indie action rpg that released recently for the Nintendo Switch. Is it a good game or should this duck be sent back to its pond? Here’s our review! What the Duck is an indie action rpg where the hero decides to find his spirit animal and it turns out to be…a duck! The duck has special powers and will help you on your quest. The quest involves a meteor destroying a town and a…
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Super Mario RPG Launch Trailer
Super Mario RPG is out for the Nintendo Switch today. Check out the launch trailer. Super Mario RPG is now available on the Nintendo Switch. The game is a full remake of the SNES game. Our editior-in-chief Adam Roffel gave the remake a 9.5 out of 10! You also check out this preview here. The remake looks so very good. The graphics have been improved and its also stayed pretty faithful to the original game. Who would have guessed we’d…
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