Thomas Hopper is an indie developer for the Wii U (and other systems). He created a really good puzzle adventure game called Factotum for the Wii U. I liked it a lot. I thought his second game was a mixed bag, but still considered him to be an excellent developer for the Wii U. And now Thomas has another game for the system: Octocopter: Super Sub Squid Escape. He gave me a review copy of the game and I’ve been…
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So An Octopus and A Sub Walk Into A Maze: A preview of Octocopter: Super Sub Squid Escape

Swap Fire Review
Swap Fire, for the Wii U eshop, isn't your typical first person shooter. When you shoot at someone in Swap Fire, you switch places with that person! Swap Fire is a first person shooter with a small puzzle game element. Its a very unique and interesting concept. But is it a good game?
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Is this Portal?: A Look At Swap Fire For Wii U
Swap Fire, a first person shooter, came to the Wii U eshop today. I received a review copy from the publisher, but my review isn’t ready yet. Swap Fire is a first person “shooter” where you swap places with people to reach your goal. The game has a lot in common with Portal. In fact, when you play the single player, you’ll have serious Portal vibes. Please read below for a preview of Swap Fire! You are walking down a…
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Swap Fire Will Teleport Onto the Wii U Eshop This Week
Swap Fire, a first person shooter with a twist, will be coming this week to the Wii U eshop! We have more details about the game and a trailer below. Swap Fire, a first person shooter, will be coming to the Wii U eshop on Thursday, November 17th. This is how the official website describes the game: ” Couch-Multiplayer/Puzzle-FPS for Nintendo Wii U. Swap Fire’s a shooter with a literal twist. Shooting other players rips a hole in spacetime thus…
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More Thoughts From Me #42: My Dream Nintendo Switch Games
Gamers are still thinking about the Nintendo Switch. The trailer that Nintendo did back in October revealed the system to the world and now we all eagerly await more information. We won’t find out more information about the system until January though! So, until then, all we can do is listen to more rumors, speculate on whats real, and express to the world (and Nintendo) what we hope the system will be and what games we’ll find on it. Today,…
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Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition – Nintendo Minute (Video)
Last week, Nintendo posted a new video that focused on their upcoming NES Classic Edition system. This new video was a Nintendo Minute! Kit and Krysta show off the system and a couple of the games. The video and my impressions of what they showed are below. The NES Classic Edition system is coming on November 11. This new system, for those who don’t know, is a smtaller version of the original NES system. It does not use carts like…
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More Thoughts From Me #38: The Master of Unlocking
With Halloween right around the corner, I’ve been looking at some spooky video games this month. One of my favorite spooky series is the Resident Evil franchise. I still remember playing the first Resident Evil and being blown away by it. Resident Evil was one of the reasons I bought a Playstation 1. It was also a reason I bought the Gamecube! Today, I want to talk about that first Resident Evil and also mention my favorite of the Resident…
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Nintendo of America Provides More Details About the NES Classic Edition
When Nintendo announced the NES Classic Edition system, my jaw as on the floor. The system was such a surprise! Nintendo told us some things about the system when they revealed it, like what games would be on the system, but they didn’t tell us everything. And now, Nintendo has released more information about the system. We have a trailer, press released, and my thoughts on the system below! The picture presented above is the NES Classic Edition’s main menu!…
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Futuridium EP Deluxe Review
There are not very many New 3DS exclusive games, so when a new one comes along, its definitely a time to celebrate for New 3DS owners. I happen to own a New 3DS and I was very happy to hear of a new game for the system. I received a review code for this New 3DS game, Futuridium EP Deluxe, and dug in. Is Futuridium worthy of the New 3DS? Futuridium doesn’t have much of a story. There is a…
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Nintendo Presentation At Gamestop Expo This Week?
The Gamestop Expo is this week. Nintendo will be at the event and there should be a presentation from them. Some new snapchat pictures from last year’s Nintendo World Championship host Kevin Pereira seem to be teasing something from Nintendo. We have the pictures below and speculation on my part as to what might be revealed! What will Nintendo show at the Gamestop Expo? My guess is that it won’t be the NX. Nintendo will likely show off a lot…
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