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Unlocking the Golden Hairpin with Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion

Ever wonder what happens when you complete Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion 100%? And when I say completing it 100%, I mean beating the extra secret boss as well! YouTuber Abdallah took on the challenge yesterday during an 8 hour live stream on YouTube, and after completing the final secret boss, he was given a special item to commemorate all his hardwork. Be sure to check out the video below.

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Don’t Forget the Collectables In Wolfenstein 2 for Nintendo Switch

Earlier this week, I told you about Wolfenstein 2’s storyline. Today I want to tell you about something different: Wolfenstein 2’s in-game collectables. These collectables don’t seem to do much, as far as I can tell, but they do tend to reveal even more about the world of Wolfenstein 2. Let’s take a look at the wonderful world of collectables in Wolfenstein 2 on the Nintendo Switch. In Wolfenstein 2, you should look everywhere. Every shelf, every corner, every ammo…

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Wolfenstein 2 Brings Cinematic Storytelling to the Switch

I mentioned in my preview of Wolfenstein 2 that the game’s story confused me. I hadn’t played the previous Wolfenstein game and the second one follows very closely to that without reintroducing its characters for newbie players. Since that preview, though, I have gotten to play Wolfenstein 2 even more and my opinion of the game’s story has changed. What do I think of Wolfenstein 2’s story now? Wolfenstein 2 is unlike anything else you’ll find on the Nintendo Switch.…

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Wolfenstein 2 Nintendo Switch First Impressions

The Nintendo Switch has gotten some really mature third party games like Doom and Skyrim. And today, we got our first game for the Switch where we get to kill Nazis! The game I’m talking about is, of course, Wolfenstein 2. Its also from Bethesda like the games mentioned before and brought to the Switch by the same team that brought Doom to the system. I got a review code of the game today and have played it a little.…

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More Thoughts From Me #125: Are You A Kid Or A Squid?

I’m a squid. I’m not a kid anymore, so I’m a squid. I suppose. Maybe. Anyway, thats not the point of this article! This article is all about Splatoon 2. I especially want to talk about the new Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion, but I have to give my thoughts on the game as a whole too. I just got the game last month! What was the hold up? How am I liking it? What do I think of the Octo…

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More Thoughts From Me E3 2018 Edition: And the Winner Is…

E3 2018 is over. That's it folks. It went by so fast! And I have a lot of mixed feeling about this E3. I'll get into that, plus who I thought won E3 and what my favorite games were. Lets get to it. Final E3 column of the year!

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Warner Bros

Warner Bros Booth Tour at E3 2018

Warner Bros did not disappoint at E3 2018! I didn’t realize it until my booth tour was over with WB, but villainy was definitely the theme. I only played two titles, but I was a Hitman in one and a DC villain aiding the Joker in a prison escape in the others. I am now realizing how infrequently play villains, and I have say, I loved it. Another delightful surprise, both of these games will release before the end of the year, so players will get a chance to try on the feeling of being wicked in not too long.

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Splatoon 2 News Update

Splatoon 2 news! Nintendo announced today that the Splatoon 2 single player will be coming soon. Real soon! Plus, they also announced something other things for Splatoon 2. Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion DLC will be coming out tomorrow (June 13). The DLC will be a new single player story mode. Although, if you beat the mode, you’ll unlock the ability to play as an Octoling in the multiplayer! Nintendo said that new weapons and multiplayer stages would continue until December…

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Brief Rundown of Nintendo’s E3 Direct – Nintendo of Canada PR

A lot of information was dumped on Nintendo fans during the companies 45 minute Nintendo Direct today, and we will have breakdowns of all the great games coming to Nintendo consoles within the next few days. However, we've compiled the highlights below, courtesy of Nintendo of Canada PR!

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You Just Had to Be There: Impressions from the Xbox E3 Briefing

Let me start by saying, having the opportunity to experience the XBOX briefing was amazing. Not only did they announce the acquisition of five studios, they also showed 50 games, 15 of which were “console exclusive”. Of course, console exclusive doesn’t make a game belong to Xbox, some may be on PC as well (e.g. PUBG), others may only be exclusive to XBOX for a limited time.

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