One of the titans of the turn-based shooter, XCOM 2, has made its way to the Nintendo Switch! Featuring all of the DLC and the War of the Chosen expansion, the XCOM 2 Collection offers the complete XCOM 2 experience on what is quickly becoming the most popular current-gen console, the Nintendo Switch. As a turn-based game that does not rely on latency, frame rate or even reflexes, it would seem to be a perfect pick-up and put-down game for the Switch. Will this be the case or will the slight performance drops hold it back? Let's take a look!
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The Outer Worlds Nintendo Switch Review
The Outer Worlds has been out on other systems for a little bit now. As of tomorrow, the game comes out on the Nintendo Switch! was lucky enough to get an early look at the game. Is The Outer Worlds worth checking out on the Nintendo Switch? Here is our review!
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Playstation 5 Event On June 4th
On June 4th, Sony PlayStation will air a video featuring the PlayStation 5! When will the event air and what will it show? We have some details below! Sony PlayStation will air a video about the PlayStation 5 on youtube and twitch this Thursday, June 4th at 1pm PDT. It will run more than an hour and show some games for the system. On their blog, Sony said, “we will soon give you a first look at the games you’ll…
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The Outer Worlds Is Available For Pre-Purchase On The Nintendo Switch eshop
If you want to buy The Outer Worlds on Nintendo Switch, now is the time! The game is available for pre-purchase on the eshop right now. The Outer Worlds is now available for pre-purchase on the Nintendo Switch eshop. The game costs $59.99 US. The Outer Worlds for Nintendo Switch will be available to play on June 5th. What’s The Outer Worlds about? Here is how the official PR describes it: “Players will now be able to take their adventure…
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SuperMash Review
SuperMash for the Nintendo Switch lets players mash together two video game genres and to create a randomly generated game. You never know what kind of game you’ll get! Its a unique concept but is SuperMash fun? Let’s find out in this review of SuperMash for the Nintendo Switch! SuperMash isn’t Super Mario Maker 2. Its not even an indie game like the recently released LevelHead. You do not create video games. Instead, you choose two genres, say RPG and…
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Panzer Dragoon: Remake Review
When released in the mid 1990's, Panzer Dragoon captivated gamers with its revolutionary visuals and controls. As one of the first 3D games available for console gamers, Panzer Dragoon allowed the player to change your views and experience the depth of the 3D world it is set in. Now, 25 years later, Panzer Dragoon: Remake has been released for modern consoles. The question in the minds of many (myself included) is how well could this type of game really function in a modern setting? 3D worlds are old news at this point, and the guided system that really just ...
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More Thoughts From Me #217: My 2020 Gaming So Far
In a previous column, I talked about how I believe we are in for a lot of delays this year. But now its time to focus on the positive! What have I been playing this year so far? What do I wish I was playing? And what do I hope comes out in 2020? Let’s get to it! As you all know, thanks to my review-in progress and other articles, I have been playing a ton of Animal Crossing New…
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The Division 2 Warlords of New York Review
Last month, Ubisoft dropped the expansion that promised to rekindle the dwindling fires of The Division 2’s hype and excitement. Featuring a full-fledged campaign, 4 new districts to explore, a raised level cap of 40 and an overhaul of many core game mechanics, who wouldn’t be excited to step back into the world of The Division 2 and enjoy what the Warlords of New York has to offer? I know I couldn’t wait to see how it all played out – let’s take a look together!
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Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Review
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is an older game that has been brought to the Nintendo Switch. I did not play the game on its previous platforms and have no nostalgia for it. I do love Star Wars though. So what do I think of the game? Here is my review of Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy for the Nintendo Switch! Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is showing its age. Graphically, the game looks like an early…
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More Thoughts From Me #215: Be Prepared For Delays
I’ve been hesitant to write this column. I don’t really like to write negatively in this column. But I see a lot of people hoping for this game or that game. We see rumors all the time. And with the current state of the world, I can’t help but think that will we see a lot of delayed games this year. We’ve already seen it with the movie industry. Why should the video game industry be any different? Here are…
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