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Paper Mario: Sticker Star Review

We have seen various changes to the Paper Mario franchise over the past decade. Having started with turn based battles for the first few installments, then switching over to more dynamic combat in Super Paper Mario Wii, I’m happy to say that with Paper Mario: Sticker Star for the 3DS, the series has gone back to its roots and makes for an immensely adorable and memorable adventure.

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Kingdom Hearts 3D Review

Kingdom Hearts is a franchise well-loved by RPG and Disney fans alike, not surprising considering its impressive blend of animation-based nostalgia and slick gameplay. The first two games were met with critical acclaim, but it was spin-off after spin-off that has caused some to abandon the series, waiting for the holy grail that is Kingdom Hearts 3. Dream Drop Distance, for the 3DS, is about the closest we’ve ever come to a full Sora-and-Co sequel, but is that enough to look over the fact that this is, effectively, just another spin-off?

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WoW: Mists of Pandaria Review

Mists of Pandaria is the fourth expasion to the ever popular MMO, World of Warcraft This time around, players will be leaving the sundered lands of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdom to head to (you guessed it) Pandaria, where a mysterious race known as the Pandaren wage war against the Mogu, an ancient race that wants to reclaim Pandaria for their own. After more than 7 years, is World of Warcraft still the top dog in the MMO space? Or is the genre finally in need of some new ideas to keep players engaged?

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Mass Effect 3: Citadel Review

Mass effect 3 was released a year ago today, and Bioware is finally ready to be done with it in the form of one last piece of DLC, Citadel. Citadel is not only Mass effect 3’s last expansion but also a sort of send off for the entire trilogy, filled with a story campaign, old faces, funny banter, and tons of mini games to be played. The first half of the DLC gives you a mission in which you deal with a new enemy, while the second half has you catching up with all your squad mates, new and old.

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Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition

Baldur's Gate is often regarded as one of the finest role-playing games in existence. Initially released in 1998, it was BioWare's second title and proved to be influential not only for BioWare's later works but for other Western RPG developers. With a strong emphasis on storytelling and customization, Baldur's Gate paved the way for other RPGs to follow in its footsteps and ultimately change the landscape of the RPG genre.

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Final Fantasy XIII-2

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Review

To say that Final Fantasy XIII was a huge success would be a pretty major understatement. For the first time, fans of the record breaking series were given something that offered everything a Final Fantasy game could give, with the added bonus of some stunning next-gen graphics and the all important movie-like cut scenes that turn this incredible instalment into more of a video game epic.

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Dragon’s Dogma Review

Capcom has several successful series that it tends to stick to the majority of the time; Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Devil May Cry, just to name a few. So when the publisher/developer released their brand new IP Dragon’s Dogma, they were definitely stepping way outside of the box. Combine that with what they claimed would be a unique and complex combat system, and different way to adventure with friends, and a large open world to explore and Capcom had the makings for quite a gaming experience. Doubts ran rampant about whether Dragon’s Dogma could live up ...

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Ni No Kuni Review

If this generation of home consoles has been missing anything in particular, I’d have to say that it was missing outstanding quality Japanese RPGs more than anything else. That isn’t to say that there haven’t been some quality Japanese RPGs floating around on the PS3 and the Wii, but as a whole it has felt like the wonder and excitement of past generations just isn’t there. All of that changed when Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch was announced and when the concept was explained; it was a Japanese RPG developed by Level-5 with the legendary Studio Ghibli ...

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Skyrim Review

Any fantasy-RPG fan knows that if you’re looking for a broad, open-world experience with unprecedented attention to detail and more lore than you can shake an enchanted mace at, then you should look no further than the Elder Scrolls series. The fantasy realm of Tamriel is home to multiple races, factions, guilds, ghosts, and monsters. In The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, players are brought to the titular province to explore the northern wilds, mountains, caves, catacombs, and ruins of Skyrim, the land of the Nords. Bethesda’s latest entry into their long-running ...

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LOTR: War in the North Review

Lord of the Rings: War of the North was supposed to be a darker, more adult game for those of us old enough to appreciate the films when they first came out. It was going to have a deeper story, more intense combat (complete with decapitations and blood – adult stuff) and it was going to show a side to Middle Earth we’d rarely seen, let alone in video games. War of the North was also publisher Warner Brothers’ first chance to show the world what they could do with their newly acquired Lord of the Rings licence.

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