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Far Cry 6 feat

Far Cry 6 Features – Yara’s Varied Encounters

Far Cry 6 takes a somewhat different approach, and provides more varied experiences, from the thick jungles to the big cities, there is something for everyone in Yara!

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Far Cry 6 Features – OCD Players Beware

Far Cry 6 has been one of my favourite games this year - I've enjoyed the story, how it unfolds, and the cool people you meet along the way. These are all staples of the Far Cry franchise, and most open world Ubisoft franchises for that matter. But the more I play Far Cry 6, the more I became concerned. "I'm not clearing the map! WHY AM I NOT CLEARING THE MAP!"

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Far Cry 6 Features – Using a Smart Phone in Far Cry 6

Is 2021, and Far Cry 6 is helping us do what we already do in real life all the time - play on our phones, a lot. In previous Far Cry games, we often would use a set of binoculars to scout out enemy bases, tagging enemies, and more. That made a ton of sense, and was enjoyable enough of an experience. While I'm happy that the new tagging system highlights the weaknesses of enemies, I'm having a bit of difficulty extending my belief to tagging using a camera on a cell phone.

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Far Cry 6 Features – Enemy Weaknesses Key to Success

A group of writers here at GamesReviews have been playing through Far Cry 6 so we can provide you tons of content right ahead of launch. While some writers are plowing through the main story in order to bring you reviews, I'm taking a more relaxed and investigative approach, including diving deep into some of Far Cry 6's new features. Enemy weaknesses is a great addition to the Far Cry gameplay loop, and depending on your chosen difficulty, are vital to success.

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Astria Ascending First Impressions

Astria Ascending is a 2D side-scrolling jrpg. It was developed with the help of several Final Fantasy veterans. That fact alone adds a lot of hype to this indie rpg! We just got a review code for the game yesterday and here are our first thoughts on Astria Ascending for the Nintendo Switch. Astria Ascending is a turn-based jrpg. The combat is about what you’d expect: pick Attack, guard, special attack, etc from a menu. You can also switch characters…

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Welcome to the Nintendo Switch, Kingdom Hearts!

The final Smash Bros Ultimate character was revealed today and it was…Sora from Kingdom Hearts! Sora will be coming to the Switch later this month and also…the Kingdom Hearts games will be coming to the system too. We have the details below and also check out the Smash Bros video with Sora’s reveal. The final Smash Bros character, Sora, will be coming out on October 18th, 2021. And…the Kingdom Hearts games will be coming to the Switch too. We don’t…

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Alan Wake Remastered Review

There are some games that breathe atmosphere, although arguably not nearly enough. It’s really more of a film or book thing, and yet occasionally a title comes along and surprises you. Alan Wake was one of those titles in 2010 - and its remaster remains impressed 11 years later.

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Xuan Yuan Sword 7 Review

Xuan Yuan Sword 7 is one of those games that gets whispered about amongst diehard Action RPG fans. Nobody in the mainstream knows it, but those that do KNOW IT. It has an epic story built around Chinese mythology and history, decent combat and pretty enough graphics as to not be off-putting. It has occasionally hilarious translation and story elements that come from nowhere and disappear as quickly. There are long walks with few saves. And yet it’s still time…

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More Thoughts From Me #281: Gotta Catch ‘Em All?

When I tell people I don’t like Pokémon, they are a bit surprised. I’m a Nintendo fan.  People think if you’re a fan of the company you probably like all their franchises, especially Pokémon! Who doesn’t like Pokémon? Well, I don’t. Why is that? And what am I thinking about the new games? Read on if you dare! I’ve tried to get into Pokémon. I played the 3DS demos, I’ve looked at footage, and of course played some non-rpg  games.…

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Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars Demo Impressions

During Thursday’s Nintendo Direct, Square Enix announced a couple of surprise games. One of them was Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars.  Footage of the game was shown off for the first time and it was announced that a demo was coming out after the Direct. I’ve now played the entire demo and want to share my thoughts on it. Voice of Cards: The Dragon Roars is a video game that plays like a board game! You have cards…

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