If you’ve ever looked through the papers, hoping to find a shred of explanation as to why politicians act the way they do, knowing full well that you could do a far better job, Masters of the World is for you. It’s the third in Eversim’s geo-political simulator series, and while other games task you with ruling the world or coming to an uneasy peace with every other nation, in Masters of the World you’ll make difficult decisions, work to jumpstart the economy and still struggle to get into the people’s good books. Forget Civilisation; if you truly want to ...
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New Soccer Star Review
Introduction New Soccer Star has been around for a long time, but its jump to mobile devices has rocketed the franchise to new heights. Not only did its creator, Simon Read, win a BAFTA over other, more established franchises like FIFA and Forza, but sales have been high and critical reception seems to have been very positive as well. With great reviews, a place in award show history and a renewed interest in what is bound to be a bigger…
Read MoreTrials Evolution Gold Edition Review
Trials HD was perhaps one of the most difficult games of this generation. Getting through the later levels took such a degree of timing, so much muscle memory and a healthy dose of luck. For Evolution, Red Lynx pushed everything one step further, creating a game where the stunts were more deadly, the feats more impressive and the locations more interesting. Now the franchise is finally returning to PC, and to reward the long wait the developers have decided to pack in both Trials HD and Evolution. That seems like a lot of value, but remember that this ...
Read MoreKingdom Hearts 3D Review
Kingdom Hearts is a franchise well-loved by RPG and Disney fans alike, not surprising considering its impressive blend of animation-based nostalgia and slick gameplay. The first two games were met with critical acclaim, but it was spin-off after spin-off that has caused some to abandon the series, waiting for the holy grail that is Kingdom Hearts 3. Dream Drop Distance, for the 3DS, is about the closest we’ve ever come to a full Sora-and-Co sequel, but is that enough to look over the fact that this is, effectively, just another spin-off?
Read MoreThe Walking Dead Survival Instinct Review
To say that gamers were skeptical when The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct was announced would be putting it mildly. With Telltale releasing The Walking Dead adventure game - a game that was focused on hitting all the personal and emotional notes that the comic series is famous for - fans wondered if we needed what appeared to be a run and gun shooter set in the world of AMC's The Walking Dead TV series. Was it even something we wanted?
Read MoreSniper: Ghost Warrior 2 Review
Sniper: Ghost Warrior hit the gaming scene in 2010. It wasn't very well received, but it sold well enough to warrant a sequel. The first installment was panned for containing too many run-and-gun missions, something that shouldn't be in a game supposedly all about sniping. With that, developer City Interactive decided to make some much-needed improvements with the sequel, Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2. While they succeeded in building a game that focuses more on stealth and sniping, the final product leaves much to be desired.
Read MoreThe Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Review
Ocarina of Time is often touted as one of the very best games ever made. Its expert blend of adventure, puzzles and soft visuals appealed to millions in the late nineties and became one of the main reasons for investing in an N64. In the intervening years, Ocarina has been released on Gamecube, digitally for the Wii (and no doubt one day the Wii U) and, of course, on the 3DS. With a small boost in the graphical fidelity and the awesome 3D, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D will suck you in all over again.
Read MoreGod of War: Ascension Review
Introduction The God of War franchise is best known for its combat, its QTE sequences and its epic fights of unparalleled proportion. Although Ascension doesn’t fail to provide that sense of grandness and magnitude, it falls a little short in comparison to titles before it. Ascension offers insight into a more relatable Kratos by allowing you to play through the events that took place before the original trilogy. Featuring a new Blades of Chaos-based combat system and the beautiful portrayal…
Read MoreMajor League Baseball 2K13 Review
Was MLB 2K13 doomed from the start? Up until a few months ago, there was no word from 2K or MLB on a license renewal – and once it finally was announced in late January, it seemed too late for 2K to implement anything new or innovative. But even with lowered expectations, MLB 2K13 is a travesty of sports gaming, a blatant reproduction of 2K12 in every single facet. This isn't completely a terrible thing: what worked well in 2K12 worked here, but with less modes and absolutely no sense of effort on the part of developer to clean up any of its problems, it's an ...
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