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Call of Duty Ghost Review

Developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision, Ghosts is the latest instalment in the popular Call Of Duty franchise.Best known for it's highly addictive online multiplayer, Call Of Duty: Ghosts also offers a campaign mode that sends players on an action packed, globe trotting adventure.

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Contrast Review

From the press start screen, the first time you load Contrast, you'll instantly be taken to a place, a time, an atmosphere. The noir-esque art style and jazz era cabaret sparks a feeling that this game does so well throughout. It's odd, stylized, innocent, just like the characters you'll meet. In Contrast, the developers have created something that'll surprise and entertain. It's only when the music stops and the gameplay begins that things stop being as great as they could be.

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Battlefield 4 Review

Developed by Dice and published by EA, Battlefield 4 is the latest instalment in the popular online multiplayer FPS franchise, Battlefield.The online multiplayer portion of the game is where the majority of appeal stems from for most, but Battlefield 4 also boasts a campaign mode that takes players on a high octane romp.

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Ratchet and Clank Into the Nexus Review

After a poor showing over the last couple of games, Ratchet and Clank Into the Nexus attempts to revisit the series’ core mechanics and return it to its former glory. Series creator Insomniac mostly succeeds, crafting a short but focused adventure that satisfyingly wraps up the Future sub-series. The game rarely, if ever, breaks new ground. But despite this fact, a funny script, engaging characters, sound gameplay, and luscious art design all make this six hour adventure a great addition to this long running franchise.

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Resogun Review

There are people claiming that the PlayStation 4 launch was weak. Those people haven't played Resogun. With its fast pace, easy-to-pick-up gameplay, beautiful graphics and fantastic soundtrack, it's the surprise hit of the early part of this generation. While it might not alone convince anybody that it's worth investing in a brand new console, it'll definitely keep you busy for the time being.

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Jane Austens Estate of Affairs Review

There are certain things that will always be of interest to hidden object and casual adventure enthusiasts: anything with a little intrigue and classic literature. Jane Austen's Estate of Affairs, by Legacy, has both, but is that enough to keep you clicking?

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Sonic Lost World Review

The Wii U version of Sonic Lost World was a little bit weird. It blended, with varying degrees of success, the main staples of Sonic with a more exploratory, slower paced level design. It has been met with mixed reaction by fans. The 3DS version is much of the same, although the little changes that have been made make this the superior outing for the Blue Blur.

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Icycle On Thin Ice Review

Dennis is having a bit of a bad day. The world has been frozen over, he's all alone, he has nothing but a creaky bicycle to make his way through the frozen hellscape and, on top of all that, some video game player keeps dressing him up in silly clothes. Dennis is the unfortunate fellow who stars in Icycle: On Thin Ice, and over the course of the game he will be crushed, impaled, exploded, and forced to suffer the indignities of being treated like a Barbie doll by a cruel, unsympathetic player.

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The Stanley Parable Review

Where do I begin? Where do I end? Where do I middle? When it comes to The Stanley Parable, there's no real way to review it, just as there is no real way to play it, or finish it, or even describe it on a basic level. In the spirit of The Stanley Parable, allow me to go a bit meta – when I write a review, I like to spend the first couple of paragraphs giving an overview of the game. The story, the setting, but here, there is no proper story, there is no proper setting. Do you see the quandary? Maybe there's only one way to review it...

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EPOCH 2 Review

There's a problem with iOS sequels: the phrase "more of the same thing" would be an understatement in describing the 'changes' most games make before attaching a numeral. There are a few bright spots here and there (Fieldrunners 2, Infinity Blade 2, Mikey Hooks), but for the most part, new gameplay mechanics, modes, and improvements (other than graphical) are few and far between. Unfortunately, EPOCH 2 isn't one of these innovative sequels - but despite a few frustrating shortcomings, retains the break-neck gameplay pace and fantastic touch control scheme of ...

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