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More Thoughts From Me #214: I Believe In Tetris 99

When I first played Tetris 99, I didn’t like it. It was multiplayer only and had no single player. Sure it was free, but thats pretty much all it had going for it. But recently I wanted a Tetris on my Switch and I knew that the game had paid DLC where you could get single player! So I decided to get the game and the DLC. What a great decision! Tetris 99 is a blast. The single player marathon…

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Animal Crossing: New Horizons Review-in-progress

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the first ever HD Animal Crossing game. There have been two portable AC games and two console ones. New Horizons is the first one to ever be both. Fans and newcomers alike have had high expectations for this game. So, does it live up to the hype? Here is our review-in-progress of Animal Crossing: New Horizons for the Nintendo Switch!

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nintendo direct 2

Animal Crossing New Horizons Will Be Out Very Soon

One more day until Animal Crossing New Horizons comes out. Well, for some people. Australia and Japan gamers already have it. Some people around the world have gotten the game early too. And tonight at midnight (11 my time), the digital release will be unlocked! But for many people, including myself, New Horizons is a day away. I am so hyped for Animal Crossing New Horizons! If you’re hyped too and you don’t mind “spoilers”, you can check out Abdallah’s…

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Trials of Mana Demo First Impressions

Square Enix has released a demo of Trials of Mana for the Nintendo Switch (its also on the PS4). I played the demo on the Switch and now I have some thoughts on it! The Trials of Mana demo is packed with content. Players are allowed to pick from several characters to play as, plus they can have two companions. I have tried out two of the characters but haven’t finished their sections yet. Each character starts off in a…

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Indie World Showcase 3.17.2020 (video)

Nintendo’s Indie World Showcase just aired! We have the video below and some thoughts on it too. This Indie World Showcase was a lot better than then the last one in my opinion. A lot of cool looking indie games were shown this time. Which ones did I like the best? For me, the biggest standout was Summer in Mara. It looked like a cross between the Legend of Zelda and the new Animal Crossing! I absolutely want to play…

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More Thoughts From Me #213: Three More Days Until New Horizons!

There are only three more days until Animal Crossing New Horizons comes out! So what’s the latest news? How am I feeling about the game? Let’s talk about New Horizons some more! Yesterday, reviews came out for Animal Crossing New Horizons. I didn’t read any of them but people were posting the scores and they were pretty high. Gotta love those 10 out of 10s. The game really does look like it’ll be that good! More trailers have been released…

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One Punch Man feat

One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows Review

As a fan of the show by the same name, as well as a long time Mortal Kombat enthusiast, I could not wait to get started playing One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows. At first, it seemed like a match made in heaven. While some aspects of the game were more in-depth and impressive than I would have suspected, others were equally less impressive than I had hoped. Let’s dive right in and see what awaits us in One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows!

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Xbox Series X Tech feat

Xbox Series X Tech Specs Released

It's official! Today, Microsoft unveiled the official Xbox Series X tech specs, as well as a few articles to decipher the specs and technical capabilities of the next-gen console. Until now there was plenty of speculation and a few hints and teases about the relative power of the Series X and what it will be able to do. For those of us that love quantitative data, however, there was precious little information to go on - until now! Let's take a look at the official specs that will be offered with the Day One Xbox Series X!

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Nintendo Announces An Indie World Showcase for 3/17

Nintendo announced an livestreaming Indie World Showcase video for tomorrow. We have more details below. The Indie World Showcase video will be livestreaming at 12pm central time. It will be 20 mintues long. This showcase will be focused on indie games coming to the Nintendo Switch. As for what will be shown, we have no hints of that. Hopefully we’ll get to see a ton of upcoming Indies. Sometimes these indie showcases are pretty good and other times, not so…

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Two Point Hospital feat

More Coming to Two Point County – Our Top 3 New Franchises

Back in 2019, GamesRadar did an interview the team behind Two Point Hospital to discuss the game itself, and if we would see any other games coming to Two Point County. You can read that full interview here! We won't hash out that entire discussion here again, except to say that the development team definietly envisions more adventures coming to Two Point County, and might have even dotted a few hints along the way! Did anyone else the 'amusement park' - actually just a small collection of fair rides - on the map?! Let's dive into three new franchises we ...

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