At first glance, Warner Bros.'s Injustice: Gods Among Us seems thoroughly unappealing: it is a watered-down version of its console counterpart, with simplified controls and repetitive gameplay design, topped off by the ever-damning price tag of 'free', never a promising sign for a licensed App Store game. Despite all this working against it, the mobile version of Injustice: Gods Among Us is actually quite a bit of fun to play, a simple but action-packed fighter perfectly designed for mobile screens.
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Gravi Review
Gravi is a puzzle platformer, not entirely like the well-loved Super Meat Boy. Like Super Meat Boy, it pits your mind and reflexes against sharp objects, dangerous pitfalls and molten lava. Like Super Meat Boy, your deaths are going far outnumber the amount of levels you complete. With 40 levels of mayhem, Gravi is a game that is bound to keep genre fans' attention.
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Soul Calibur V Review
The Soul series has been running for a long time, since 1996 in fact. Not unlike Namco's other fighting series, Tekken; Soul Calibur has stood the test of time and is still a popular franchise today. Innovation has always kept the series fresh and interesting, but does the fifth installment continue this tradition? The standard Arcade, Practice and VS style modes are all present as you would expect from a fighting game; as well as a Character Creation Mode. The main innovation this time around is the all-new Story Mode, which sees the player take control of a ...
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Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time Review
Sly fans rejoice! After a whopping 8 year hiatus, Sly Cooper is back and better than ever. From Sanzaru Games, the (extremely capable) studio that brought us the Sly Trilogy, comes a long awaited, all new Sly Cooper adventure that completely captures the charm and wit of the first three games. With gorgeous visuals, an amazing voice acting cast and the witty humour that the series is known for, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time makes for a love letter to all the fans that have waited quietly and patiently for our favourite furry thief to make his inevitable comeback.
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Resident Evil 6 Review
In what appears to be a bid to garnish more sales for the aging franchise, Capcom has decided to shake things up in the Resident Evil universe. With four campaigns, multiple playable characters, Mercenaries mode and the all-new Agent Hunt feature, RE6 is positively ripe with content. Gone are the days of puzzle solving in an eerie atmosphere. Now, it's all about cinematic action and ultra-linear level design. While these changes didn't hurt sales, the game has received plenty of hate from critics and fans alike. With this in mind, I was expecting the worst ...
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Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D Review
When Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater came out in 2004 the world had gone past fear of a Third World War and shifted its focus to the War On Terror. Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles were passé, replaced by thoughts of Dirty Bombs. So instead of setting Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater in the near future, Kojima Productions chose a Cold War setting filled with quaint talk about the good old days when people only feared mutually assured destruction. Now, nearly ten years later, the notion that Saddam Hussein will unleash his dreaded Weapons of Mass ...
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Defiance Review
There have been a number of attempts to bring the MMO to consoles and they have, by and large, been unsuccessful. Instead of building a game to play with a controller in front of the TV from scratch, developers instead adapt a game built around dozens of keyboard keys and a mouse. They're often surprised when that doesn't work. Defiance is a game that brings together the spirit of third person multiplayer gaming and the massive, persistent world of the MMO, and it does it so successfully you might begin to question why it wasn't possible before. This feels ...
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Aliens Need Burgers Review
Aliens Need Burgers has a goofy and semi-charming premise: aliens who love hamburgers come to Earth to relieve us of our beloved cow meat. Fortunately enough, there's a satellite worker hanging outside the atmosphere in space, ready to defend the world from the incoming threats. Unfortunately, the game itself doesn't employ any of this creativity, and Aliens Need Burgers is another forgettable touch-screen experience.
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Fun Run Multiplayer Race Review
Fun Run is a multiplayer mobile game that can eat your "free" time! Whenever you sit down for a few minutes and you gonna have your mobile phone in hands - I bet you will turn this game on. The game allows you to race against some random online players or your friends. It's easy to control but gives lots of fun and satisfaction when you finish the race 1st.
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