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Nintendo Provides A Closer Look At Kirby: Planet Robobot

Nintendo UK released a video today that showcased more of Nintendo’s upcoming Kirby game for 3DS, Kirby: Planet Robobot. My thoughts on the video and the actual video itself are below. Kirby: Planet Robobot will be coming to the 3DS in June. Previously Nintendo had revealed that the game will see Kirby taking control of a big robot for the first time. Today, though, Nintendo UK released a video that showcased more of the game! In Planet Robobot, Kirby will…

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More Thoughts From Me #19: I Just Stepped On A Lego (Game)

Lego games just keep coming out. There’s no stopping the freight train that are Lego games. What do I think of the Lego series so far? I’ll tell you all about that, plus which game is my favorite and which game I’m hoping they’ll do after Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens! I haven’t played every Lego game, but I’ve played a lot of them and played demos of some of them too. The Lego franchise has come a long…

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Yo-Kai Watch 2 Is Coming to North American 3DS Systems in September

Nintendo announced today that Yo-Kai Watch will be coming back to the 3DS in North America. We have the full details about the sequel and my thoughts on Yo-Kai Watch below. Yo-Kai Watch 2 will be coming to North American 3DS systems on September 30th. There will be two versions of the game: Yo-Kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits and Yo-Kai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls. The difference between the two, according to Nintendo’s press release, is that you’ll find “rare Yo-kai…

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What do you think of the end of Disney Infinity?

This week, toys-to-life fans were dealt a major shock when Disney announced that they were ending Disney Infinity and also closing the company that made it. Not only that, but Disney is getting out of making games altogether! My thoughts on the game, this shocking announcement and Disney leaving the industry are below. Also: I’m asking all of our readers: What do you think of all of this? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! Disney announced that they were…

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Nintendo of America Lowers 2DS Price and Announces Two New Games

Nintendo of America announced today that they will be lowering the price of the 2DS and they announced two new 2DS/3DS games for later this year. Check out the news and my thoughts about it below! Nintendo will be lowering the price of the 2DS to $79.99 in North America. The new price will take effect on May 20th. The 2DS was already the least expensive Nintendo product at $99.99. This new price drop will most likely give the 2DS…

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More Thoughts From Me #11: Thank you Nindies!

I’ve reviewed a lot of Indie games in my short time as a reviewer so far. Some are great, some good, just ok, and some are really awful. But the Wii U needs every single Indie it can get! Why are Indies important to the Wii U? Let me tell you about it.   When the Wii U first came out, there were not a lot of games for it, but there were some third party developers supporting the system.…

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More Thoughts From Me #10: Video Games Don’t Need Stories

One of my early entries to this column said that every video game needed a story. Now I’m back to give you the opposite position: Video Games don’t need stories! Tetris, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros, and many other games do not have stories. After my last article about video games needing stories, I had some people say, ” Ya, but this game doesn’t have one.” And its true. Not all video games need stories. In fact, I’ll just…

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Today’s Nintendo Direct Reveals Spring-Summer (and beyond) Nintendo Lineup

Nintendo of America (and everyone else) had a Nintendo Direct today. What did Nintendo of America show? What did I think of today’s Direct? Let’s dive right into today’s revelations! Nintendo of America revealed a lot of cool and interesting things today. First of all, we learned that Star Fox Zero has not been delayed. The game has officially gotten an April 22nd release date. Not only that, but a second Star Fox game, Star Fox Guard, was revealed. This…

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Word Puzzles by POWGI Review

Lightwood Games loves Word puzzle games. The developer has already created several, with my favorite so far being Word Search by POWGI. Now, Lightwood has gone back to POWGI to deliver another word finding experience for the 3DS and the Wii U with Word Puzzles by POWGI. Is this new game any good? Let’s find out!

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Detective Pikachu Is On the Case

Pokemon is one of Nintendo’s most popular franchises. There are a ton of Pokemon games and spinoffs coming out all the time. The newest Pokemon spinoff, currently in Japan, is Detective Pikachu: Birth of a New Combination for the 3DS!   Detective Pikachu: Birth of a New Combination was released today (Feb. 3rd) in Japan for the 3DS. While there is no release date for North America yet, I would find it hard to believe that a Pokemon title wouldn’t…

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