Nintendo of America (and everyone else) had a Nintendo Direct today. What did Nintendo of America show? What did I think of today’s Direct? Let’s dive right into today’s revelations! Nintendo of America revealed a lot of cool and interesting things today. First of all, we learned that Star Fox Zero has not been delayed. The game has officially gotten an April 22nd release date. Not only that, but a second Star Fox game, Star Fox Guard, was revealed. This…
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Today’s Nintendo Direct Reveals Spring-Summer (and beyond) Nintendo Lineup

Word Puzzles by POWGI Review
Lightwood Games loves Word puzzle games. The developer has already created several, with my favorite so far being Word Search by POWGI. Now, Lightwood has gone back to POWGI to deliver another word finding experience for the 3DS and the Wii U with Word Puzzles by POWGI. Is this new game any good? Let’s find out!
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Detective Pikachu Is On the Case
Pokemon is one of Nintendo’s most popular franchises. There are a ton of Pokemon games and spinoffs coming out all the time. The newest Pokemon spinoff, currently in Japan, is Detective Pikachu: Birth of a New Combination for the 3DS! Detective Pikachu: Birth of a New Combination was released today (Feb. 3rd) in Japan for the 3DS. While there is no release date for North America yet, I would find it hard to believe that a Pokemon title wouldn’t…
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May the Lego Force Be With You: Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is Coming In June
Traveler’s Tales has created a lot of Lego games for multiple consoles. The Lego game that started it all was Lego Star Wars and now Traveler’s Tales is going back to that Galaxy Far Far Away. Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been announced and it will be coming in June 2016! Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be coming to multiple systems (Wii U, PS4, Xbox One, etc) on June 28th. Game Informer will feature the…
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Solve a Puzzle Or Two: Word Puzzles By POWGI Will Arrive Soon on 3DS
My father and I love word puzzle games. One of the best developers of word games on the 3DS (and Wii U) is Lightwood Games. I’ve enjoyed their other games for the systems and they have another one coming soon. The new game is called Word Puzzles By POWGI. Let me tell you about it. Word Puzzles by POWGI will be coming to the 3DS (and Wii U) eshops on February 11th in North America. The game is already…
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Guitar Hero Live Review
Just on the heels of Rock Band, Activision launched their own music game. Unlike the Harmonix giant, Activision completely changed up the way we thought a Guitar Hero should play, making Guitar Hero Live a completely different experience, something you will have never played before. While this new design comes with its fair share of advantages, we cannot help but look to the age old saying: If it ain't broken, don't fix it. While Guitar Hero Live does things I like, I keep wanting to go back to the old school, five button system. Perhaps I'm stuck in the ...
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Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Launches Tomorrow
While The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes is not the Zelda game we all really want, there is still lots to get excited about. If you had the chance to play the demo that was released last week, you probably already know whether or not you will be picking this up. Our experiences playing the (limited) demo were incredibly positive, although we have a few reservations. Regardless, Tri Force Heroes will be available tomorrow, October 23rd at retail and online in the Nintendo eShop.
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Yarn Yoshi and Woolly World Hit Store Today!
If you are as excited as I am for the the new yarn Yoshi amiibo and his latest adventure, Yoshis Woolly World, than today is an extra special day. Woolly World, three regular yarn Yoshi amiibo - green, blue, and pink - and one Mega Yarn Yoshi are all available to purchase, now! In Canada, the game bundle with green yarn Yoshi will cost 64.99, individual regular sized yarn amiibo will cost 19.99 each, and the Mega Yarn Yoshi (exclusive to Toys R Us) will retail for 59.99.
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Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash Launches Today
There is a strong possibility that you have never played a Chibi-Robo game. The franchise is older than you probably think, and has many installments. The last game we looked at for Games Reviews was a Chibi-Robo game that tasked you with taking pictures of real world items to satisfy requirements within the game. Our impressions of that title were not great. However, the newest Chibi-Robo, Zip Lash, holds a lot of promise.
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Lego Dimensions Review
LEGO is a powerhouse in the toys marketplace, and for good reason. LEGO is not your average toy. It can be manipulated into anything the creator wants. Parts can be mixed and matched, characters that have no place being in the same realm all of a sudden coexist. It is the creative options that makes the toy so admired by children and adults a like. It really shouldn't be any surprise that LEGO, Travelers Tales, and Warner Bros. teamed up to release their own toys-to-life game into a genre that is possibly over crowded already. So how does LEGO Dimensions ...
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