Final Fantasy 7 is the game that made me an rpg fan. After I played that, I never looked back. Now I play rpgs all the time. But what if Square Enix remade FF7? How would I feel about that? Well, actually I don’t have to what if that! Square is remaking FF7 and its coming out in 2020. I’m very excited! Final Fantasy 7 Remake is coming out on March 3, 2020 for the PlayStation 4. I was hoping…
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More Thoughts From Me E3 2019 Special Edition: What was that Microsoft?
Microsoft hyped up an E3 2019 beyond our imagination. They promised surprises, bringing someone new, lots of games, and more. Shigeru Miyamoto was even rumored to appear at the Xbox Briefing. So how did the conference turn out? Well…lets talk about it… What was that Microsoft? Xbox E3 Briefing 2019 was full of games, sure, but nothing too stunning. We knew about most of the games and the ones we didn’t know about were mostly indies. Microsoft, to their credit,…
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E3 2019 Predictions – Nintendo
Heading into E3 2019, Nintendo is near the top, if not at the top, of the video game word. It helps when you have the newest system on the market – with the Xbox One and PS4 about to be sunsetted for newer systems in the next few years – and one that people are finding incredibly innovated, especially third party developers! With E3 right around the corner, Nintendo is once again offering up a few days of Nintendo Treehouse…
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