At Nintendo’s E3 Digital Event last year, the company teamed up with the Jim Henson Company to create puppets based on Nintendo employees and Star Fox characters. And now the Star Fox puppets have returned in an all new Star Fox Zero advertisement! Last week, Nintendo released a new Star Fox Zero advertisement. While the trailer doesn’t reveal anything new about the game, it does bring back the Star Fox puppets from last year’s Nintendo digital event. No matter if…
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The Star Fox Puppets Return in All New Star Fox Zero Advertistment

Skylanders amiibo A Sensational Idea
When Reggie and Activision announced at E3 2015 that Nintendo characters were coming to Skylanders, I was fairly skeptical, especially since it was also announced that these characters would also be amiibo compatible. Now that I have the figures in my hands - thanks to Activision who saved me a lot of money (more on that later) - I can say my skeptism was unfounded. While I wish the characters modeled an amiibo more than a Skylander, the final figures are still excellent little toys that are loads of fun to play with in Skylanders SuperChargers.
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Positive Early Impressions of Disney Infinity 3.0
Disney Infinity 3.0 launch this weekend in North America, and if my local Best Buy was an indication, the positive reception from many media outlets are sending people to stores to plunk down hundreds of dollars. By 6 PM local time, the Disney Infinity shelves were nearly empty as fans flocked to the store to grab as much as they could. Good work Disney! Your game has received so much positive attention that people are forgetting the (minor) downfalls of 2.0 and jumping right into an other experience.
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New Xbox One Elite Bundle Available to Preorder
This year, Microsoft unveiled their Xbox One Elite controller, a controller that any one who plays console video games would love to have. Unfortunetly, the price here in Canada is pushing 200$ after you factor in taxes. For that kind of money, you could almost get a Wii U! Today, Microsoft announced the Xbox One Elite bundle was available to preorder.
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Nintendo Summer Event: Mario Maker
When Nintendo does their post E3 event in Toronto, I always look forward to playing the big games that will be coming to market. Usually, the biggest games peak my interest early, but Mario Maker was something I needed to play to really appreciate.
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Nintendo Summer Event: Blastball
I think everyone understands that Nintendo's E3 event was a little disappointing. I also believe that everyone thinks Nintendo is holding on to the really good announcements for the NX. After attending the Nintendo Summer Event in Toronto, Ontario this week, I've realized that some games need to be played to be appreciated. Blastball was one of those titles.
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Xbox Backwards Compatibility: Marketing Tool or Consumer Demand?
Go ahead and place me in the crowd of folks happy to see backwards compatibility come to the Xbox One. I fully believe it should have been there from the beginning, and now that it is here, my available game library has grown by a few titles. There is just one, general problem: is backwards compatibility merely a great marketing tool for Microsoft going forward, or will people take advantage of this when it launches in December?
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We need to talk about Final Fantasy VII
So there it is. The news that many of us have been waiting for since 1997. 18 long years. Square Enix announced at E3 2015 that we are finally getting a Final Fantasy VII remake. A proper one. Not just updated graphics or shiny new cutscenes, but a full remake with new gameplay and, so we are told, new story elements to boot.
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Bethesda at E3: what have we learnt?
Bethesda certainly didn’t disappoint in their first ever E3 press conference, making some huge crowd-pleasing announcements, some surprising, some more expected. But what do these announcements mean for Bethesda, and what do they mean for us?
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Nintendo a bit lackluster at E3
Like last year, Nintendo opted to air a 45 minute digital event rather than hold a traditional press conference. To their credit, their use of Muppet-like dolls actually made me chuckle a little bit, and had my son rolling on the flour with laughter. It was a bit odd, but I guess it worked.
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