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Board Games Reviews


Root Riverfolk Expansion – The Lizard Cult Review

More Root is always a good thing, in my opinion, so when the Leder Games sent over the Riverfolk expansion for the game, I knew I had to check it out! With two brand new factions to play – who doesn’t want to play as the Lizards or the Riverfolk Company – a new Vagabond, and a few other goodies, is this a worthwhile expansion to grab? Let’s take a look! Like the Woodland Alliance, the Lizard Cult is looking…

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Tower Up Board Game Review

Tower Up was not a game I had a lot of interest in, but after a few games over the holidays with my family, I’m singing a much different tune. The simplicity of Tower Up might not be for everyone, but I think if you are looking for a filler game that feels pretty meaty, then this could be the perfect game for you! When I think about filler games I tend to look to small box games, generally card…

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Dungeon Legends Components Overview and Impressions

I am a sucker for cooperative, dungeon crawl games, and when Asmodee Canada reached out and asked if I wanted to look at Dungeon Legends, it was an easy, “Yes” from me! Getting the game unboxed took a bit of work as you build the various boxes and fill them with their pieces, but once that was done, I was VERY impressed with the game’s production, which made me more excited to play. Dungeon Legends plays over a number of…

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Tapestry Folded Space Insert Review

Our gaming group has played more than a few games of Tapestry over the years, and we have slowly begun upgrading our collection. First, I snagged the expansions for the game through the Stonemaier review process, and we enjoyed what those added to the game. Then we picked up the playmat for the game, which rolls up nicely and includes the Arts and Architecture track as well. And now we are looking at the Folded Space insert for the game,…

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Rallyman GT Board Game Review

Rallyman GT was a pleasant racing experience in board game form, one I wasn't expecting to be as good as it ended up being!

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Daitoshi Board Game Review

We took Daitoshi for a spin over the past week and love the theme. The gameplay is fantastic as well - a must play!

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Cities Board Game Review

DEVIR has made a ton of complicated games, but that doesn't mean a smaller game isn't within their abilities. Cities is fantastic!

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Botanicus Board Game Review

My wife loves games about plants, so I knew before we started that Bontanicus was probably going to be something our gaming group enjoyed. And for the most part, I was really correct about that. It could be that I ran away with the score on more than a few occasions, or because tabling and teaching this game is a piece of cake. Either way, there is definitely a need for a larger, easy to play game in the board…

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SETI Board Game Review

Ever play a game where you feel like thematically you are working together but in actuality you are competing? Me neither, but SETI almost gives me that feel as all players are working (although not together) to find alien life. As you move around the solar system and take actions, you will eventually discover aliens, and earn points based on the actions you are taking. Let’s take a look! If you haven’t yet, read our components overview. We are really…

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Skyrise Board Game Review

There is a growing trend with my board game group, and that trend is easy to learn games with some deep strategy. Listen, there are a few in the group who are always down to play whatever, including super complex and strategic games. But when the whole group is together, we love a game that can be taught in 15 minutes or less, with easy turn structure, but that still has some strategy. Skyrise from Roxley Games seems to fit…

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