Chip Theory Games has been doing what I’ve been asking companies to do for a long while now – get rid of miniatures and create a good, premium alternative. Most companies ditch miniatures for acrylic standees, others for cardboard standees. Chip Theory, as their name implies, has gone for heavy premium chips, which has proven to be pretty unique in the board game space. With strong dice-based role playing games like Too Many Bones already available for consumers, I was…
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The Elder Scrolls: Betrayal of the Second Era Components Overview and Impressions

Shelfie Stacker Components Overview and Impressions
All games deserve a good insert. I’ve been saying this for a long time. Even my favourite games get docked points if they lack a sturdy insert to hold all the games components. Shelfie Stacker from Arkus Games is leading the way in terms of storage solutions, and while I’m not sure how much I love the game yet, getting it out and putting it away is a real treat! Shelfie Stacker is all about rolling dice and slotting them…
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Reef Project Components Overview and Impressions
Reef Project is yet another beautifully detailed game from Board and Dice, and after looking at a number of their games – Windmill Valley, Minos, Books of Time – it has become very apparent that we should only expect the best when it comes to a Board and Dice production. While this game has a lot more cardboard components, and perhaps lacks the big flashy pieces or ideas of the other games, it’s still an impressive production. When I say…
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Heat: Pedal to the Metal Components Overview and Impressions
I’ve never been a huge racing game fan, the only one I’ve really enjoyed to date is Camel Up, and that’s more about random betting than anything else. I’ve seen people rave about Heat: Pedal to the Metal for years now, and when Asmodee Canada reached out to ask if I wanted to review the upcoming expansion, I decided now as as good as any time to try out Heat. Before jumping into components, I want to say that companies…
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Scales of Fate Components Overview and Impressions
Prototype copies of games are becoming more and more impressive as the years go by, and when I unboxed Scales of Fate from IV Studio I knew it was going to be something special. First and foremost, IV Studio produces some of the greatest games in my collection, including the very impressive Deluxe Edition of Fractured Sky and Moonrakers, a fantastic card game with great quality cards and metal coins. Even on their prototype, IV Studio went above and beyond…
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Lemonade Stand Components Overview and Impressions
Lemonade Stand has a charming production for younger board game fans, and I really like that about the title. It lacks some of the frills you might find in a more adult centric experience, but that doesn’t make this any less great overall. Outside of the fairly bland customer tiles, everything else here is pretty impressive! And with that said, let’s get the first bit out of the way first. The cardboard used in this game is very, very good.…
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Floristry Components Overview and Impressions
If a game has a connection to plants, my wife is likely going to love it. Regardless of the production quality of a game, my wife loves everything about plants! I’m a bit harder to please – while I enjoy the plant life that surrounds me every day in my home, I still like my board games to have some flair! Thankfully, for a game that could just be all cardboard, the design team behind Floristry wanted to make sure…
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The Fellowship of the Ring Trick Taking Game – Components Overview
When I wrote how a theme could change my opinion on a genre of board games, I was specifically talking about the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Trick Taking Game. I’m not a huge trick taking game fan, and even though I’ve had good games of The Crew, I find them way too stressful to be fun long term. I knew, however, that the Lord of the Rings Trick Taking Game was going to arrive on…
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Finspan Components Overview and Impressions
Finspan is the third game in the -Span line of games from Stonemaier Games. We’ve previously had the chance to review both Wingspan (and its many expansions) and Wrymspan, so to get to try Finspan as well was a real treat! I know what to expect with a Stonemaier production, and based on Wingspan and Wrymspan, I was excited to see what this one would have inside. After all, those two previous games had amazing little plastic eggs to use,…
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Minos Components Overview and Impressions
This week, Minos arrived for review, and we could not be more excited about it. Although we hear the game runs a bit long, I’ve also heard it nestles nicely in that medium weight category, despite the length. While I haven’t had the chance to play Minos quite yet, that didn’t stop me from getting it unboxed. Let’s take a look at what’s inside! Minos is a HEAVY game, and that’s not based on its Board Game Geek rating. It’s…
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