Thank goodness for games that use a phone but not an application. I get it, it’s 2025 and people want to get really technologically advanced with their board games. Unlocked! does it, Little Alchemists does it. Why not do it? Floristry has a phone component, but it’s web based as opposed to an application. And that makes me so happy. Ok, that wasn’t the normal way I start a review, but people are going to instantly love or hate this…
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Scales of Fate Components Overview and Impressions
Prototype copies of games are becoming more and more impressive as the years go by, and when I unboxed Scales of Fate from IV Studio I knew it was going to be something special. First and foremost, IV Studio produces some of the greatest games in my collection, including the very impressive Deluxe Edition of Fractured Sky and Moonrakers, a fantastic card game with great quality cards and metal coins. Even on their prototype, IV Studio went above and beyond…
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The Fellowship of the Ring – Trick Taking Game Review
I might sound like a broken record at this point, but I’ve never been a huge fan of trick taking games, especially cooperative ones. I have great strategic thinking capabilities, but for some reason all logic leaves my brain when it comes to deciding which cards to play in a trick taking experience. While I enjoyed what The Crew was trying to do, it was never a game I wanted to play. With The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship…
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Finspan Board Game Review
There is a trio of board games now in Stonemaier Games’ “Span” franchise and overall I would say they are all really good games. As more come out, you begin to rank them based on how they play and what they do. Preference why, I prefer Wrymspan for a more involved game, and because of that, will probably never play Wingspan again. Finspan, on the other hand, stands alone in my opinion when compared to the other three. Let’s explore…
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I’m Not So Sure About Nestlings
As GamesReviews grows and our readership of board game content grows with it, we have been given more and more opportunities to review games. As such, it’s not often anymore that I have time to play the games I actually do purchase, and yes I do purchase games! Nestlings was one of those games. I could have gotten it for review through Lucky Duck Games, but ultimately decided to just purchase it myself for a fairly reasonable cost, around $30…
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Little Alchemist Board Game Review
When companies take popular franchises they own and release a younger, kid friendly version of said game, I’m almost always going to be intrigued. With two younger kids – ages 10 and 6 – playing games in our house, introducing them to more complex ideas and concepts with kid friendly games is something I really enjoy. The trick is creating a game that is great for kids, but fun for adults as well. Little Alchemist does just that, and it’s…
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Windmill Valley Board Game Review
My Dutch roots makes the idea of playing Windmill Valley very appealing. Growing fields of tulips to earn points? Sign me up! But a good theme of a fantastic production only gets a game so far – to that end, is Windmill Valley worth your time and money? Let’s take a look! I think off the top we need to mention how good the production is. All of the cardboard pieces are nice and thick, and while you can get…
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Dungeon Legends Board Game Review
There is nothing wrong with releasing an easy to play, straightforward dungeon crawl sort of game, and that is exactly what Dungeon Legends is all about. We raved about this game when we wrote about it in our components overview and impressions article, so check that out, but how is the game itself? I love having games I can get to the table to play with my younger kids, and as a huge fan of cooperative experiences, this one scratches…
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Root Underworld Expansion – The Underground Dutchy Review
We’ve been delving deep into the world of Root over the holidays, and took yet another expansion pack for a spin. The Underworld Expansion for Root not only provides a new board with two new maps to play, but two brand new factions to sink your teeth into. Moving from the shadows, the Dutchy burrows into clearings, sways ministers, and attempts to dominate and attack across the forest. Is this a good faction to use in your next game of…
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Root Riverfolk Expansion – The Riverfolk Company Review
There is always room for more when it comes to Root, and the Riverfolk Company faction from the Riverfolk Expansion are adding yet another little change to the world of Root. As with all wars, there is someone looking to profit commercially from a war, and that about sums up what the Riverfolk are looking to do. Can you balance the needs of the different factions and score points? Is it worth having? Let’s take a look! I’ve really come…
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