Sometimes it's nice to take a few seconds away from shooting an alien in the head so that you can look at the newly blood-spattered landscape. Games are genuinely beautiful, either visually or thematically, sucking you into a whole new world of rich forests, craggy walkways or still oceans, far beyond the violence and gore that so often gets the focus in the mainstream media. Today we're going to take a look at ten of the most beautiful titles in gaming history. They're not in any particular order and there's definitely things missing, so feel free to share ...
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Indie Showcase #1 – The Impossible Game
Indie Showcase is an attempt to bring some of the best, yet often forgotten indie titles to the foreground and reminisce over yesteryears offerings from the indie scene.
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Video Games Have A Bloody Problem
Sitting with fellow gamers in a theatre watching the Sony E3 conference, I realized we have a problem. The problem isn’t just with the Sony conference but with all the press conferences. After watching all four, I was exhausted by the violence that was shown. I understand this is a bigger societal issue in the world. Just turn on the news and it seems there are shootings every other day. Why do our games need to be filled with it too? Trailer after trailer was shown back to back for hours, many hinting at objectives that can only be accomplished with a gun in ...
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Nintendo Smash Fest by Best Buy Knocks it Out of the Park
I've always had a problem with E3. I love the event, the press conferences, and the announcements. I resent the financial commitment necessary to actually go to E3 and get the opportunity to play some of these games. Luckily, Nintendo has kept fans around North America in mind. They offered up the same E3 Super Smash demo to fans at select Best Buy locations across Canada and the United States. I headed out to the closest Best Buy near me, and thoroughly enjoyed my time with the game.
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GRCast S02E01 – ‘E3 Wasn’t Really Better, It Just Sucked Less’
Joe Ryan returns to the host's chair for the second season of the GRCast. In our return episode, we look at the highlights of E3, whether it was any better than previous years and whether Nintendo's decision to just release their video to the web is the beginning of the end for the biggest week in the gaming calender.
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BlockStorm Preview
When first logging into BlockStorm, you might think that it's going to be a Minecraft mimic, with very subtle differences, but in fact it has more in common with Call of Duty than Minecraft.
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Nintendo Shocked Us at E3
A few members of the GamesReviews staff, along with myself, made a number of E3 predictions for Nintendo. In general, our predictions were pretty safe. But that doesn't mean we cannot ridicule those that were so far off the map; unfortunately for myself, I think I take the brunt of the ridicule. Regardless, here is how things worked out. I put a score on each category to see how well I, as well as the staff, did.
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Xenoblade Chronicles X is One to Watch
Xenoblade Chronicles X is brilliant. Take everything that you loved about the 2010 Wii exclusive, throw in some fan service from the entire Xenoseries, polish it off with HD visuals, and you have what may be the most impressive RPG experience at e3 2014.
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GBA Re-releases Launch on the Wrong Platform
Even after what most are calling an excellent showing at E3 for Nintendo, the obvious sales issues are still at the top of everyone's news list, at least when it comes to Wii U. Nintendo has done everything within their power to change how the public views the Wii U, but have had limited success. Even after showing off tons of new games, people are wondering why games are not coming out sooner.
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How Sony convinced me to buy a PS4
Hats off to Sony for not only providing the public with a multitude of excellent announcements (Grim Fandango!!) but by almost never mentioning the PS3 during the nearly 2 hour long conference, you also made people realise that now is the best time to get their ass onto next-gen. So let me just dig deeper into Sony's announcements and pinpoint exactly why I'm now determined to get a PS4.
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