Like many others, the second the download went live for Battlefront I jumped on my computer, navigated to the Xbox website, and made sure to hit download so it would be ready when I got home. For some, this worked out great, for others...not so much. The first two days of the Battlefront beta for myself were frustrating to say the least, but overall, Star Wars Battlefront is a game I want to be playing when it launches this November.
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Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash Launches Today
There is a strong possibility that you have never played a Chibi-Robo game. The franchise is older than you probably think, and has many installments. The last game we looked at for Games Reviews was a Chibi-Robo game that tasked you with taking pictures of real world items to satisfy requirements within the game. Our impressions of that title were not great. However, the newest Chibi-Robo, Zip Lash, holds a lot of promise.
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Steel Series Siberia Elite Prism Headset
Steel Series makes a wide range of products, but at Games Reviews we are most interested in their line-up of headsets. We review their new Siberia X100 and X300 headsets for the Xbox One , and noted their superior comfort compared to other, similarly prices headsets. Steel Series reached out to us when we provided them with our review coverage with an offer to test out one of their older headsets, the Elite Prism. Lets take a look!
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Elder Scrolls Online: Imperial City DLC Review
A few months ago we posted our review for the Elder Scrolls Online for Xbox One. We really, really liked it! Even with the various issues that were present at the time, Bethesda still delivered an excellent, Skyrim like experience on Xbox One. And as an Elder Scrolls fan, that was all I could ask for. Bethesda recently launched its first large DLC pack entitled The Imperial City. For fans of Oblivion, the city layout and various areas may feel slightly familiar, although we are dealing with a different time period in the Cyrodiil timeline. The city you will ...
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Did Mobile Gaming Destroy the Portable Handheld?
If you were looking forward to an update for Sony's portable gaming device, you may not want to hold your breath. Word has come down that Sony currently has no plans for a follow-up device to its popular PlayStation Vita handheld system—and it looks like we only have our phones to blame.
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Skylanders amiibo A Sensational Idea
When Reggie and Activision announced at E3 2015 that Nintendo characters were coming to Skylanders, I was fairly skeptical, especially since it was also announced that these characters would also be amiibo compatible. Now that I have the figures in my hands - thanks to Activision who saved me a lot of money (more on that later) - I can say my skeptism was unfounded. While I wish the characters modeled an amiibo more than a Skylander, the final figures are still excellent little toys that are loads of fun to play with in Skylanders SuperChargers.
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Opinionated Logan: A Child’s Look at Happy Home Designer
When a code from Nintendo for Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer came I knew there was going to be a fight between myself and my almost six year old son Logan. Logan has recently become quite attached to the Animal Crossing series after playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf on the 3DS. With Nintendo continually releasing family friendly titles, we have decided to give Logan a say on each and every Nintendo 'E' rated title.
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Blood Bowl 2 a Great Recreation
If you are not familiar, Blood Bowl is actually a Warhammer Table Top game that is enjoyed by a fairly niche group of individuals. With its launch on console, I think a wider audience will be found. Whether these people will stay to play, however, is the real question. Despite a lackluster tutorial system which inevitably requires players to learn-as-they-play, there is a lot to love in Blood Bowl 2. Don't be confused, however, Madden fans. If you are dedicated sports game fan, this probably is not the game for you.
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Rainbow Six Siege Beta Impressions
Outside of Assassins Creed, Ubisoft has made a name for themselves via the Rainbow Six franchise. The game has always been a lot of fun, focusing on team game play. Rainbow Six Siege is no different. Armed with a number of tools, players are let loose to fight each other in 5v5 multiplayer matches, and from what I have played, it is really, REALLY fun.
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amiibo Cards: Opportunistic Nintendo or Greedy Nintendo?
People love amiibo. There is no way around that fact. They are excellently sculpted miniature figures of our favorite Nintendo and friends characters. It would be interesting to see what percentage of amiibo buyers are actually using them within games, and how many are picking them up purely for collectible reasons. I think those numbers could prove whether Nintendo is smart with amiibo cards and jumping on a great opportunity, or if they are just getting greedy?
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