Nintendo needs to be applauded, loudly. Their support for Splatoon has been incredible, not only with updates to the game itself, but also by hosting frequent Splatfest's surrounding special events. Just in time for Halloween weekend, Nintendo is launching another special event for Splatoon players: Pirate's versus Ninjas.
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Nintendo Announces Future Plans
Late this evening - and early Thursday morning in Japan - Nintendo brass delivered their remarks to investors detailing what is coming from Nintendo within the next 6 months. They touched on future titles, the new system that would replace Club Nintendo, and mobile games. Here is the breakdown, information courtesy of Nintendo Everything.
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Top Reasons to Play Yoshi Woolly World
I had the opportunity to play Yoshi Woolly World a number of times during Nintendo of Canada events in Toronto. The first time I played the game - well over a year ago at an E3 2014 event - I was so excited for this title. The game was unique in design, and was packed with so much charm. While I have yet to play the final product, here are our top reasons to give Yoshi's Woolly World a try this holiday season.
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What are Progressive Slot Machines?
All gamblers dream of that day when they might hit it big. That massive jackpot is what keeps them coming back for more - it's part of the thrill of the whole thing.
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Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Launches Tomorrow
While The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes is not the Zelda game we all really want, there is still lots to get excited about. If you had the chance to play the demo that was released last week, you probably already know whether or not you will be picking this up. Our experiences playing the (limited) demo were incredibly positive, although we have a few reservations. Regardless, Tri Force Heroes will be available tomorrow, October 23rd at retail and online in the Nintendo eShop.
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AC Syndicate: Reasons to be Excited
Assassins Creed Syndicate launches tomorrow, October 23rd, in North America. Review scores are slowly coming in and the game seems to be hovering around the 8-8.5 mark out of 10. Good for Ubisoft. Many wondered what kind of game we would be getting this time around. Assassins Creed Black Flag was one of the best in the series, but it followed up the poorly performing Assassins Creed III. Subsequently, the game that came after Black Flag, Assassins Creed Unity, was also in many ways a complete and utter disaster. While the game was improved with updates, few ...
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Halo 5 Guardians Day One Patch 9 GB
We've been playing Halo 5: Guardians for a few days now and cannot wait to share our impressions with you. So far, it has been as good as we expected, and even better in many instances. The future looks bright for the Halo franchise and 343 Industries. It was announced this week that Halo 5: Guardians would launch with a 9 GB update. Here is what to expect.
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New YO-KAI WATCH Nintendo 2DS Bundle Hits Stores on November 6
The 2DS is getting a YO-KAI Watch bundle in North America which will launch on November 6th at a estimated retail price of 129.99.
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Yarn Yoshi and Woolly World Hit Store Today!
If you are as excited as I am for the the new yarn Yoshi amiibo and his latest adventure, Yoshis Woolly World, than today is an extra special day. Woolly World, three regular yarn Yoshi amiibo - green, blue, and pink - and one Mega Yarn Yoshi are all available to purchase, now! In Canada, the game bundle with green yarn Yoshi will cost 64.99, individual regular sized yarn amiibo will cost 19.99 each, and the Mega Yarn Yoshi (exclusive to Toys R Us) will retail for 59.99.
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Witcher III: Heart of Stone Expansions Launches
If you've played the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt then you know how great of a game it is. We scored it incredibly high on Games Reviews, and have been looking forward to the DLC for a long while. CD Projekt Red has produced one of the best DLC launches every by a developer, with tons of free content already being made available. So when CD Projekt Red promises 10 more hours of content for 9.99, I'm completely OK with making that purchase.
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