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Microsoft Enjoys Record Breaking 2015

In a post on their new website, the Xbox Wire, Microsoft announced that 2015 was one of the best years for Xbox, ever. For starters, December 28th saw more Xbox Live logins in one day than ever before in the console franchises history. Below are a few exerts from the article.

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Looking back on 2015 from a Reviewers Perspective

Being a video games reviewer is a lot more than just playing games and writing opinions. For some, yes, that is all they do. For myself, it is my job contact developers, publishers, and public relations agencies, plan our game coverage, stay on top of what games we have in the system, and more. Often, we get overloaded with content to work through, and it takes careful decision making and planning to get everything done in a timely fashion. However, I like to take the first few days of a new year to reflect on individuals and agencies that have made my life ...

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Mario and Luigi Paper Jam Set to Release in NA

Mario and Luigi titles have been one of my favorite Mario franchises. My other favorite franchise? Paper Mario. In my personal opinion, the last release for each - Mario and Luigi: Dream Team and Paper Mario: Sticker Star where somewhat of a let down. Dream Team was good, yes, but Sticker Star was pretty bad. Frankly, I had little hope for Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam. However, after playing it a few times at various Nintendo events, and watching a few Let's Plays on YouTube - the game has been out in Japan and Europe since December - I'm really excited for ...

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Peanuts: Snoopy’s Grand Adventure

Very few games now a days are really kid and adult friendly at the same time. What I mean by that is, the game is easy enough for kids to play alone, and entertaining enough for adults to participate - or play alone themselves! Peanuts: Snoopy's Grand Adventure is the PERFECT example of this. Before someone points out that Nintendo has many games that fit this build, I say yes...but no. My four year old nephew can EASILY play Snoopy's Grand Adventure, with a little bit of help from myself. My six year old son? He's beaten the game already on Xbox One, and ...

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Xbox Store Countdown to 2016 Week 2 Sales

Week One of the Countdown to 2016 was great for sales on Xbox One, and the second week of mega deals is no different. There is some significant savings on some great games, as well as small discounts on recently released titles. If you have had an Xbox One for a while, or just received one for Christmas, there are lots of great games for you to get your hands on. Below is the list of titles available this week. Enjoy!

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Open World Games Need Dying Light Multiplayer Mechanics

Single player games are great, but often I find myself wishing I had a multiplayer or cooperative option when playing. Who wouldn't want to run across Velen with a friend in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, or cross Skyrim with an ally or two? When we began our review of Dying Light on Xbox One, I reached out to the PR company and inquired about a multiplayer or cooperative mechanic. Apparently, this feature is not to be missed in Dying Light, so we spent considerable amount of time trying 4-player multiplayer modes as well as cooperative play.

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Holiday Gift Guide: Shooters

Instead of doing a customary awards article on Games Reviews, we have opted to pinpoint a few things you might pick up for yourself or other gamers on your Christmas List. Since awards are very subjective - especially with so many good games in the running - we are pinpointing our favorites from this year, and if the situation calls for it, previous years as well. For this article, we will examine the best Shooters that could find their way under your tree this holiday season.

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Kojima Had Options

I fee like the title of this is just stating the obvious. Of course Hideo Kojima had options. He is a developing mastermind who has created some incredible and iconic franchises. The fallout with Konami really is disappointing, but it will be really interesting to see what Kojima does next with Sony. Kojima went into depth with IGN on why he choose to do business with Sony over other companies. Exerts from that interview are below, but you can read the whole interview at IGN.

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Attract gamers to come back

We have entered a more mature era of online gaming, when both providers and consumers of the games have expectations that are informed and in step with the new paradigm of computer science and its marvels (namely mobile technologies). It takes more to entice players, for instance, to stick with a particular community, website or game lineage than ever before.

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Best & Worst Games Of 2015

In any given year, video games, be they PC, console or mobile, provide brilliant and escapist fun. Some even sometimes single handily bring the industry forward. This could be though their use of graphics, scripting, animation or narrative but with each immersive leap into interactivity, games are evolving at an astonishing pace.

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