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There’s Already too much DLC at E3

With one press conference down, and a few more to go, it appears as if downloadable content is going to once again be a big thing at E3 2014. DLC comes with its own praises and criticisms, but in general, it is a idea that has worked out for both developers and gamers. Developers can extend the life of their titles while also gaining more revenue, while players get more content for the games they love. There are a few issues that have always, and will always, surround DLC.

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EA Conference – Our Verdict

The third party pressers are never as interesting as the first party conferences, but this year we knew EA had a lot to show us. Did they manage to live up to the potential of Mass Effect 4, Star Wars: Battlefront and a brand new Mirror's Edge? Our staff pass their verdict.

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How Microsoft convinced Me to buy a Xbox One

Last year, Microsoft didn’t show me a reason to buy an Xbox One. They have been outsold by the Playstation 4 since Microsoft released the Xbox One.

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Halo: The Master Chief Collection – How to do a Remaster Right

Microsoft’s conference at E3 just finished up and wow I can say that they really stepped up their game! One of the most exciting announcements was The Master Chief Collection which includes Halo 1 - 4, and they brought out everything and then some.

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Microsoft Conference – Our Verdict

Microsoft seem to have listened to fans this year. For that reason and that reason alone, they've managed to start off E3 with a bang. Is it enough to impress our staff, who were rightly skeptical ahead of launch?

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Child of Light It’s hard to ignore Just How Beautiful it is

Child of Light is a stunning RPG video game created by famous developer Ubisoft. It’s actually one of the company’s most unusual game releases. Evocative, charming, and packed with breathtaking music and visuals, Child of Light conjures emotions you’ve never experienced in a game before. The featured in-game art is absolutely breathtaking. Some have called it a “world of watercolor, painted by hand”, and we have to admit that the visuals are like something pulled from a child’s storybook. Some…

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The evolution of mobile gaming: A sector that keeps on growing

With so many rapid technological advancements being made in the mobile sector it’s not surprising that mobile gaming has become one of the fastest growing mobile industries. The global wireless market is estimated to reach $14.4 billion by 2017, a clear indication of just how far this type of technology has come.

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Mario Maker leaked from Nintendo’s E3?

The big three - Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony - do their best to keep all their E3 announcements as close to the vest as possible. The end goal: have as few leaked announcements as possible. Unfortunately, it appears as if at least one Nintendo title has been spoiled.

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What We Could See, Will See, and Won’t See for Wii U at E3 2014

E3 is approaching fast, and with only a little over a week until day 1, I decided I should get my Nintendo E3 predictions out there. Be warned: I have not canvassed the Internet to find what Nintendo is for sure announcing, and I definitely did not attempt to pass off the predictions of others as my own.

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Can a Single Title Save a Console?

The tune many are singing right now is that Mario Kart 8 is a make-or-break title for the Wii U. While I originally agreed, a brief conversation with GamesReviews' own Mat Growcott made me change my mind, slightly. My take on the situation is that one game does not save a system, but, if released at a crucial time, it can be the catalyst that changes everything.

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