I still own Star Fox for the SNES. I never did own Star Fox 64 on the 64 because I didn’t have that system. I did buy the game on the Wii however and played the 3DS remake of the game! I’m a huge fan of the Star Fox franchise, especially when its a full on spaceship shooter. In a new video, Nintendo UK took a look at the History of Star Fox. We should do that too! I’ll tell…
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Formula Changing for LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens
Travelers Tales has been making LEGO games for a very long time now, and although they have their peaks and valleys, we all know that generally, they make a really solid, family friendly game. The fact that they are going to mess with the original formula for The Force Awakens game is surprising, but yet expected. In an email from Warner Bros. today, we got a first hand look at what might be coming in the next LEGO game, slated to launch this summer.
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A Fate Filled with Conquest: A Look At Fire Emblem Fates Conquest
I’ve played a few Fire Emblem games in the past and liked them, but I’ve never been addicted to one before. I recently bought Fire Emblem Fates Conquest and I can’t stop playing the game! I decided to get Fire Emblem Fates Conquest because my dad already had Birthright. I wanted to see what the other path was about and figured I could borrow dad’s copy of Birthright later. I had no idea what Conquest would be about and just…
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We Can All Be Winners In Games
No game is made the same. Neither is a person or a potential player. Saying that, I truly believe every person, no matter their circumstances can find joy in video games. That they can become whoever they want to be, even if it’s for just a few hours and become a winner in their own way.
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More Thoughts From Me #11: Thank you Nindies!
I’ve reviewed a lot of Indie games in my short time as a reviewer so far. Some are great, some good, just ok, and some are really awful. But the Wii U needs every single Indie it can get! Why are Indies important to the Wii U? Let me tell you about it. When the Wii U first came out, there were not a lot of games for it, but there were some third party developers supporting the system.…
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Miitomo Preview (Japanese App Store)
In October 2015 Nintendo's brand new smartphone game was revealed to the world: Miitomo. Initial thoughts were mixed, even from me. The common consensus was that the app was just a toned down version of Tomodachi Life for your portable device. Well, the app just came out in Japan and I got my hands on the English version of it. So, what is Miitomo?
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Microsoft Working on Digital Trade Ins?
A survey from Microsoft which popped up on Reddit today indicated that the video game and software company was toying with the idea of offering a trade-in for digital purchases. While the trade in amount would not be much – a mere 10% if the survey is to believed – it would be better than nothing if you truly don’t want to play the game anymore. On a 60.00 game, consumers would only be getting 6 dollars back. Ideally, the…
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A Grand Adventure Awaits in Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale
I’ve never played a Story of Seasons game before. I have played several of the Harvest Moons and one of the Rune Factory games though. So I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started up Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale for the 3DS. Would it be like Harvest Moon or Rune Factory? Return of PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale is an RPG first and foremost. The game does have a farming element, much like…
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Best RPG Value on Xbox One / PS4 – Elder Scrolls Online
I've been toying with writing up articles on the best valued Video Games in specific categories. I think its worth discussing because as the price of games rises - at least here in Canada, where a new released comes in at 79.99 - 84.99 compared to 59.99 a few years ago - what we can afford as consumers drastically decreases. We go for value in our games. Value for an individual is often not a constant. For one person, an amazing story has lots of value, regardless of how long the game takes. For myself, I take everything into consideration, but my end desire ...
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Playstation VR Preorders Available March 22nd
If you want to get your hands on Playstation VR, plan to be at a computer at 10:00 AM Eastern time. I have a feeling that, like Oculus, this will sell out...quickly. The pre-sale bundles will be exclusive to this initial preorder window, so if you plan on getting it on day one, perhaps preordering now would be a wise idea. Here is what is included, from Sony PR:
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