Playstation VR is out today for the Playstation 4. We have a press release below detailing the new piece of hardware.
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Loot Crate/Gaming/Wear Extravaganza! September 2016
All of our Loot Crate themed boxes arrived around the same time last month, so we are going to dive into them all at once. Overall, the boxes were fairly impressive, and while we enjoyed certain items over others, in general things were above average as usual!
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Rise of the Tomb Raider 20th Anniversary Edition PS4
Last year, we reviewed Rise of the Tomb Raider for the Xbox One. This past week, we got to play through the entire game again, this time on the PS4, courtesy of Square Enix. While much of the game plays the same on the PS4 as on the Xbox One – outside a few noticeable graphical enhancements – a few new modes and DLC is being launched alongside this release. While the DLC is available on all systems, we are…
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Animal Crossing Wild World and Kirby Canvas Curse Are Coming to the North American Wii U Eshop Tomorrow
I’m a huge Animal Crossing fan. I own all of the Animal Crossing games (amiibo festival and Happy Home Designer included). The series is, without a doubt, my favorite Nintendo franchise! Awhile back, Nintendo of Europe brought Animal Crossing Wild World to the Wii U Virtual Console. However, there was no sign at all that they were bringing it to North America. Thats changing tomorrow when Nintendo of America brings Animal Crossing Wild World to the Wii U eshop. They…
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Fairune 2 Will Be Coming to the 3DS Eshop This Month
Circle Entertainment always brings interesting Japanese rpgs and games to the 3DS. One of the games that I really liked that they brought to the system was called Fairune. The game was an action rpg with very detailed 8-bit style graphics. Awhile back, we found out that there would be a sequel to the game called Fairune 2. It was a given that Circle would bring that title to North America too. Now we have a North American release date…
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Firewatch Impressions – Xbox One
Firewatch, which has been brought to Xbox One via the ID@Xbox self-publishing program, has been an interesting game to play through my first few minutes. The game is focused solely on story telling, and so your adventure inevitably is over almost as soon as it begins; this, however, is by no means a bad thing. Firewatch hooks you early, and hard. If the story does not hook you right away, shut it off and move on. There isn’t a whole…
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More Thoughts From Me #38: The Master of Unlocking
With Halloween right around the corner, I’ve been looking at some spooky video games this month. One of my favorite spooky series is the Resident Evil franchise. I still remember playing the first Resident Evil and being blown away by it. Resident Evil was one of the reasons I bought a Playstation 1. It was also a reason I bought the Gamecube! Today, I want to talk about that first Resident Evil and also mention my favorite of the Resident…
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The Synthesis of Gaming and Gambling: Casino Heroes
Nowadays, everyone has a smart phone, and most people are gamers whether they know it or not. You play Clash of Clans? You’re a Gamer. You play Angry Birds? Gamer. What about Pokemon: GO? You’re a gamer. These games are so popular, it is estimated that Clash of Clans makes $1.5 million dollars per day. Wow. Games with unlockable content, leaderboards, and RPG elements are incredibly popular because they keep the player coming back for more, to level up or gather gems or whatever that game may have.
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Gears of War 4 Review-in-Progress
Gears of War is back, and better than ever. Published in house at Microsoft by The Coalition, the new fight brings back everything we loved about the original trilogy, but pads the edges with new combat systems, new multiplayer modes, and more. While some have past of Gears of War 4 as a retread of the originals, we feel that this is one of the best in the series!
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Harvest Moon: Skytree Village Will Arrive On the 3DS In November
Yesterday, publisher Natsume announced that Harvest Moon Skytree village would be out on the 3DS in November. We have the release date and a new trailer for the game below! Harvest Moon: Skytree Village will come to the 3DS on November 8th. The game will be available in retail stores and via the 3DS eshop. We have a brand new trailer of the game. Check it out: I think the graphics in this game look the best of any Harvest…
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