We previously reported on Fairune 2, which is coming to the North American 3DS eshop this Thursday, but Circle Entertainment has another game thats coming out this week too! Mr. Pumpkin Adventure is coming to the Wii U eshop on Thursday! We have new English trailers for both games below. Fairune 2 will be coming this Thursday (Oct 20th) to the North American 3DS eshop. Meanwhile, Mr. Pumpkin Adventure will be coming to the North American Wii U eshop the…
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Circle Entertainment Is Bringing Two Games To the Nintendo Eshops This Week

Bitcoins: Boon or a bane for individuals and global economies?
Bitcoins have been generating more heat than molten lava since its inception back in the year 2008. The reason for the rising storm happens to be its legality which some are totally okay with and some are just clawing and pushing it away from their system. Now one may ask, what exactly could be the problem and the fuss all about?
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Skylanders: Imaginators Is On Store Shelves Now
Skylanders Imaginators is out today! We have the full details on the game in a press release below! ” SKYLANDERS® IMAGINATORS ON STORE SHELVES NOW — KIDS CAN CREATE THEIR OWN SKYLANDERS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN AWARD-WINNING TOYS-TO-LIFE VIDEOGAME Fans to Receive a Free, Fully-Playable Kaos Toy with Purchase of Skylanders Imaginators Starter Packs Skylanders Creator App Extends the Magic of Creating Skylanders Beyond the Living Room! SANTA MONICA, Calif. – Oct. 17, 2016 – Ready, Set, Create! Skylanders®…
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Paper Mario: Color Splash Review-in-progress Part 2
In Part 1 of our Paper Mario: Color Splash Review-in-progress, we examined the writing and graphics of Color Splash. In today’s part 2, I want to look at the game’s battle system. Color Splash uses cards instead of stickers and while the battle system is turn-based, it is also very different from Sticker Star or any of the other Paper Mario battle systems. The most important question is: is the battle system any good? In Paper Mario: Color Splash, a…
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Abdallah Tips and Tricks For Yo-Kai Watch 2
Lets face it guys! I love YO-KAI Watch, but I’m far from an expert on the game. For that, I always turn to my good YouTube friend, Abdallah – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsDtTzkvGxxw95C4IOfZ7dw. We’ve done a great job looking at most aspects of the game, except one: QR Codes! If you’ve been playing for a while now, you know that getting coins for the Crank-a-Kai can be incredibly difficult, but if you take advantage of the QR codes printed on all the YO-KAI…
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Up, Down, Left, Right, A, Start – What is the Appeal of Gaming?
Gaming is one of those things that has been hugely popular since it first came on the scene. And it’s growing in influence and popularity with every passing year. We may even reach a point in the future where we can play games using just our minds, but that's another conversation! Today we’re going to look at exactly why gaming is so popular.
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Oceanhorn Will Be Coming to A Nintendo System
Oceanhorn, a game that is similar to the Legend of Zelda in its look, is currently on Xbox One and other systems. Gamesreviews.com’s Adam Roffel wrote an article about how the game should be on a Nintendo system. Well, it looks like someone agreed with him because its been announced that the game will be coming to a Nintendo system! Gamesreview.com’s Adam Roffel said that Oceanhorn should be on a Nintendo system. And now guess what?! Oceanhorn is coming to…
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Disney Magical World 2 Is Out Today For the 3DS
I liked the first Disney Magical World because it was one part sim, one part action game, with a dash of rpg and tons of Disney magic. There was just so much to do in the game. And today its sequel, Disney Magical World 2, is out! We have the details below, plus a trailer for the game! Disney Magical World 2 is now available for the 3DS in retail stores and on the 3DS eshop. This new Magical World…
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Helping the Friendly Monsters: A Look At Gurumin 3D for 3DS
3D action platformers seem to be making a comeback these days. For awhile, we were seeing mostly just 2D platformers, but now 3D platformers seem like all the rage. Gurumin 3D: A Monstrous Adventure for the 3DS is a 3D action platformer, but its also has rpg and puzzle elements too. The game is out now for the 3DS eshop. We received a review code for the game, however our review isn’t ready yet. We wanted to give you a…
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Paper Mario: Color Splash Review in Progress
Paper Mario Color Splash has taken a lot of flak from fans who didn’t like the previous entry in the series Sticker Star for the 3DS. Those fans said that the game looked too much like Sticker Star and they were not willing to give the game a chance to prove itself. I wasn’t a big fan of Sticker Star, but from the moment I saw Color Splash, I had the opposite reaction of those fans. I was really excited…
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