One of the major differences between past Pokémon titles and Pokémon Sun and Moon is how you advance the story. In the past, the way you knew you were moving forward with the story was to complete Pokémon gyms. Sure, there was the crap with Team Rocket or whomever, but every 'area' of the map - typically a city with surrounding routes - was sectioned off by gyms.
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LEGO Dimensions – Fantastic Beasts Story Pack
The wizarding world of Harry Potter is back in full force with a brand new movie in theatres - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - and some new LEGO sets for us all to play with. LEGO Dimensions has created a new Story Pack behind this new blockbuster hit, and we think it is FANTASTIC! Read on for more!
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Pokémon Sun and Moon – QR Codes
Although most people seem ready to leave QR codes in the past, Nintendo is bringing them into almost all their new titles with vigor; I want to say that Nintendo is single handily keeping QR codes relevant, and I'm pretty ok with that! Although I'm not a huge fan of what QR will give you in the game, I'm a big fan of what happens after collecting 10!
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PDP Gift Guide 2016 – Controllers
After the very successful launch of the Afterglow PDP Wired Xbox One Controller, Performance Design Products has gone above and beyond by taking that great technology and craftsmanship and masking it in designs and themes that consumers love. Previously, we have seen PDP launch a Mirror's Edge controller that looked great, but they have since partnered with many other companies to launch even more exciting products.
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Pokémon Sun and Moon Elevate the Franchise
It's only been a few hours of in game time for me - just completed my first Island Trial - but it is obvious already that Pokémon Sun and Moon have elevated the franchise and taken it places I wasn't sure they would ever get. Even after 20 years of Pokémon video games, Nintendo and Game Freak have found a way to establish new ideas and fresh approaches that even have the most hard core of Pokémon game fans excited.
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Lego Dimensions Wave 7 Is Out Today
Lego Dimensions Wave 7 is out today. Characters from Fantastic Beasts, E.T, and more are included in Wave 7. We have a press release detailing the new wave and a Sonic trailer too! A lot of cool characters are being added to Lego Dimensions today. Who would have thought we’d see a Lego Sonic?! Check out this press release for the new wave of Lego Dimensions characters: ” LEGO® Dimensions™ Adds New Expansion Packs Based on Sonic The Hedgehog, Gremlins,…
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PDP Gift Guide – Accessories, Storage, and more!
Yesterday, a large box of goodies was waiting at my door from Performance Design Products; generally, I'll get the odd package from them with a headset or peripheral inside, but this time was different. PDP sent over a ton of items that they have released throughout the year - more so in the second half of 2016 - and we are here to briefly break them down so you can make wise purchasing choices this holiday.
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Is this Portal?: A Look At Swap Fire For Wii U
Swap Fire, a first person shooter, came to the Wii U eshop today. I received a review copy from the publisher, but my review isn’t ready yet. Swap Fire is a first person “shooter” where you swap places with people to reach your goal. The game has a lot in common with Portal. In fact, when you play the single player, you’ll have serious Portal vibes. Please read below for a preview of Swap Fire! You are walking down a…
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Ditch the Headset for Nyko’s SpeakerCom, Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One
Check out Nyko Technologies new press release about their speaker and microphone accessory for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. ” Ditch the Headset for Nyko’s SpeakerCom, Available Now for PS4 and Xbox OnePatented speaker and microphone controller attachment hits retail shelvesLOS ANGELES – November 16, 2016 – Nyko Technologies, the inventive LA-based video game accessories manufacturer, today announced the launch of SpeakerCom for PlayStation®4 and Xbox One™, a high-quality speaker and microphone attachment for controllers. With a sleek design ...
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Skylanders Imaginators Holiday Deals and More
If you interested in Skylanders Imaginators, then you’ll want to check out this new press release! It deals with Imaginators and more. ” SKYLANDERS IMAGINATORS CROWNED “MUST-HAVE” GIFT THIS HOLIDAY Popular Kids’ Videogame Franchise Tops Prominent Holiday Wish Lists Including Toys“R”Us®, Amazon, Parents Magazine and More This Season Brings Incredible Black Friday Deals, the Debut of Jingle Bell Chompy Mage Toy and other Skylanders Offers! Eruptor Returns to Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade® and Appears in “Skylanders Academy” SANTA ...
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