On the surface, The Trial: Frontier Challenge from 22cans doesn't appear to be a very great title, and if you were to watch a few YouTube videos to see if you'd like it or not, you likely won't pick it up. There isn't anything really sexy about this title that will draw you in, but somehow, despite all those preconceived notions, I found myself dumping hours upon hours in game. And for the record, I haven't even finished it yet. I've been having so much fun treading through new areas, and revisiting past areas, that I've almost sidetracked myself from the ...
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More Thoughts From Me #110: Questions and Answers
I asked a bunch of my twitter friends/followers if they had any questions for me and they delievered! So todays More Thoughts From Me is a Q&A. You had questions and I have answers! Here are the questions in bold and then my answers: GTM618 asked: “VR. Is it the future? Or a fad” I want to say VR is a fad but it keeps coming back. We can’t get rid of it! It was here in the 90s, then…
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State of Decay 2 Launching May 22nd
State of Decay 2 is coming to Xbox One and PC this spring, and as per reporting by IGN, the game will come in two separate versions. State of Decay 2 is the long awaited sequel to State of Decay, and will be coming on May 22nd according to developer Undead Labs.
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How to Change Your Skin in Minecraft
Minecraft continues to be as popular as ever, so it’s not surprising that players want to upgrade the appearance of their characters and thus stand out from the crowd. If you are new to Minecraft, you may not be aware of the fact that you can play as someone more interesting than the default character Steve. Wearing blue pants and a green T-shirt he surely is nothing too exciting. You can always see the way a character looks by pressing…
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Win a Copy of Pokken Tournament DX and EGLX Toronto Passes!
Thanks to the generous crew over at Nintendo of Canada, GamesReviews has a great prize pack for one lucky winner! Up to be won is a copy of Pokken Tournament DX and two electronic passes to EGLX in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. You can find all the details below, but you can get a head start on the competition by clicking here.
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When Reviewing, Who Is Your Review Score Aimed At?
The hardest part about doing a review is putting the score out of 10 or 100 at the end. Many websites have gone ahead and done away with review scores, but it doesn't seem to be a popular choice with many gamers. Believe it or not, review scores mean a lot to many people, and purchasing decisions are ultimately driven by scores on metacritic. A problem with scores is evident every time I sit down with what many would deem a kids game, and the thought of writing this piece is driven by my time with Kirby Stars Allies.
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Payday 2 Nintendo Switch is a Situational Purchase
If you've come here expecting a full fledged review of Payday 2, you might be a tad disappointed. While we will definitely touch on the gameplay elements, it is a game many years in the making and YouTube will ultimately be the best example of what the game has to offer, thanks to the numerous game play videos. Instead, the focus here will be on how Payday 2 translates to the Nintendo Switch. With a game so reliant on voice communication, can the verbally inept Switch provide the gameplay experience required to make Payday 2 a good buy? Let's take a look.
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Kirby Star Allies Demo Impressions
I haven’t always been a Kirby fan. In fact, I didn’t know much about the big pink fur ball until the Wii Virtual Console. I saw the NES Kirby game for download there and thought, “Why not?” and downloaded it. And with that, I was a Kirby fan for life! That said, I have always liked the more traditional Kirby eats everything games more than the other more gimmicky games (though Kirby Robobot was pretty cool). So Kirby Star Allies…
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Two Great Titles Available on Xbox Game Pass, with Sea of Thieves Launching Soon
Want to get into the adventurers spirit ahead of the launch of Sea of Thieves? Xbox has added to fantastic titles to their game pass lineup and according to our own reviewers, they are both must play experiences. Starting today, players will have the opportunity to jump into Rise of the Tomb Raider or Super Lucky's Tale! Here is a breakdown of what we though of each. Be sure to subscribe to Game Pass today, and get ready for the Sea of Thieves launch later this week. That's right folks, in case you have forgotten, all first party Xbox One releases will be ...
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ID@Xbox Release for February 26 – March 2
As we do every week, here is a roundup of the Xbox One titles available through the ID@Xbox Program. We haven't tackled any of these yet, but will follow up on our favorites in the coming weeks! Make sure to return each and every Friday for a round-up of the weeks titles!
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