I have other games I should be playing. I have two other games that I have to get a review done for and yet, I can’t stop playing Devious Dungeon for the Nintendo Switch. Don’t get me wrong, Devious Dungeon is a review game too. Ratalaika Games provided me with a review code! But I need to play those other two games too. I will do that. I promise I will…but…first…I must play another dungeon! Devious Dungeon for the Nintendo…
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Nintendo Labo Toy-Con Garage – Creating a Guitar
Nintendo Labo will soon be available for everyone - April 20th! - and Nintendo continues to release videos to their YouTube channel detailing some of the finer details of Labo. We all know what to expect from the Toy-Con kits, but the garage is where the most creative Nintendo users will spend most of their time. There seems to be a lot of options for the Toy-Con garage, and today, we are looking at how to build a guitar!
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Inside Eden’s Gate Short Film Available on YouTube
Prior to the release of Far Cry 5, Ubisoft Montreal and Ubisoft Toronto released a 30 minute short film titled, "Inside Eden's Gate." This short film was previously just available via a paid subscription service, but Ubisoft announced this week that the film was now viewable on YouTube, via the official Ubisoft channel. We've linked the video below.
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Assassin’s Creed Rogue Remastered – Should You Play / Play Again?
If I told you I was working on a review for a Ubisoft title, you'd probably initially assume I was working on Far Cry 5. That was the case - and you can read that terrific review here - but this time around I'm heading back into the world of Assassin's Creed and taking a look at Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered on the Xbox One X!
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Sending Characters “Home” In Disney Magic Kingdoms
We've received a number of emails and tweets asking us what it means to "send your characters 'home' in Disney Magic Kingdoms." This feature - introduced a while ago now - is actually one that fans of the game have been requesting for a long time. If your park is overrun with characters, and your time is limited, sending your characters 'home' will be a great resource for you!
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Why Caesars Top 2017 Games Should Be On Your Personal Playlist
Caesars Slots have had a fabulous 2017, and 2018 is shaping up to be just as fabulous. Why? Caesars introduced 35 new games, 8 of which made it to the top of the list. You already know about Playtika free slots. Playtika’s impact is pretty self-explanatory. Therefore, we will move onto the subjects at hand. Why Should You Play Caesars? 1) The graphics are state-of-the-art. They take you to a place you have not been before. That is perfect for…
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Accessibility In Online Gaming: Are We Doing Enough?
For the past few decades, gaming has proven to be a popular pastime among all ages and genders. From the early console offerings, to incredible technology like VR and motion sense that we have at our fingertips today, there have been some awe-inspiring developments in how we game and how accessible it is to people from all walks of life and with a range of different levels of ability – and of course, this includes those with disabilities. Accessibility in…
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Making a Winning eSports Bet
eSports betting has become one of the more interesting types of sports betting. There are several reasons for this; firstly, there are various different games that you can place your bets on; in addition, almost all eSports events are streamed live online, which means that you can watch them for free; and finally, there are some extremely talented eSports players which you can watch and admire. These factors have caused the number of bets placed on eSports matches to soar…
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PDP Pro Charging Grip for Nintendo Switch
We are huge fans of Performance Design Products and all the accessories they produce for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and the Nintendo Switch. We enjoy two things: first, they are made with high quality parts that can withstand a pretty good beating from my kids; and second, all of their products are officially licenced by Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo, which means their teams have tested and used the products, and have given them their seal of approval. PDP has been a step above most other third party Nintendo Switch manufacturers, and have a number of great ...
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Pokémon Gallery Figures A Must Own
If you are a huge fan of Pokémon, and love collecting various Pokémon memorabilia, there is a new toy on the block and if it's not calling your name already, it will be soon. Pokémon Gallery Figures are the newest collectibles from The Pokémon Company, and were released in late 2017. As the figures have become more popular, The Pokémon Company has worked to bring bigger and better Pokémon to the lineup, highlighted by the Charizard DX!
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