Ever wonder what happens when you complete Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion 100%? And when I say completing it 100%, I mean beating the extra secret boss as well! YouTuber Abdallah took on the challenge yesterday during an 8 hour live stream on YouTube, and after completing the final secret boss, he was given a special item to commemorate all his hardwork. Be sure to check out the video below.
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Viticulture Review: Your Own Personal Vineyard
If you've ever wanted to grow your own grapes and make your own wine on a beautiful Italian vineyard, you can for as low as $60 USD, should you choose to pick up the fantastically deep, worker placement board game Viticulture from Stonemaier Games. We recently wrote about how to play Viticulture in this great article, so if you are interested in the turn-by-turn mechanics of the game, give that aread first. Here, we will dive into the game itself, examine the strategies involved, and how well it all comes together!
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Big Hero 6 – Disney Magic Kingdoms Review
Big Hero 6 landed in Disney Magic Kingdoms today, and after spending a bit of time collecting the event tokens to welcome Hiro, the adventure begins! Here is our early review of Disney Magic Kingdoms Big Hero Six update!
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Don’t Forget the Collectables In Wolfenstein 2 for Nintendo Switch
Earlier this week, I told you about Wolfenstein 2’s storyline. Today I want to tell you about something different: Wolfenstein 2’s in-game collectables. These collectables don’t seem to do much, as far as I can tell, but they do tend to reveal even more about the world of Wolfenstein 2. Let’s take a look at the wonderful world of collectables in Wolfenstein 2 on the Nintendo Switch. In Wolfenstein 2, you should look everywhere. Every shelf, every corner, every ammo…
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More Thoughts From Me #126: Time Traveling Through Radiant Historia
Everyone is so obsessed with the Nintendo Switch these days. Don’t get me wrong: I get it. The Nintendo Switch is an awesome system. I play it a lot myself. That said, if you are not still playing your 3DS too, you are really missing out. The 3DS is still going strong and while not as many games are coming out for it, the ones that have been coming are excellent. One such title is Radiant Historia. It is a…
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Wolfenstein 2 Brings Cinematic Storytelling to the Switch
I mentioned in my preview of Wolfenstein 2 that the game’s story confused me. I hadn’t played the previous Wolfenstein game and the second one follows very closely to that without reintroducing its characters for newbie players. Since that preview, though, I have gotten to play Wolfenstein 2 even more and my opinion of the game’s story has changed. What do I think of Wolfenstein 2’s story now? Wolfenstein 2 is unlike anything else you’ll find on the Nintendo Switch.…
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How to play video poker: newsworthy video game preview
Any beginner in gambling often loses huge sums of money if, of course, he has these sums in his hands. If you are a man enough gambling, you can save yourself from failures and take care, for example: Call friends with you who ought to assist you and do not fall into a series of failures. The last option is preferable for you to like as https://scoobydomyessay.com/essay-editing. On the Internet, the free play is a normal phenomenon. A gaming machine…
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Wolfenstein 2 Nintendo Switch First Impressions
The Nintendo Switch has gotten some really mature third party games like Doom and Skyrim. And today, we got our first game for the Switch where we get to kill Nazis! The game I’m talking about is, of course, Wolfenstein 2. Its also from Bethesda like the games mentioned before and brought to the Switch by the same team that brought Doom to the system. I got a review code of the game today and have played it a little.…
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Big Hero 6 Coming to Disney Magic Kingdoms
Disney Magic Kingdoms is getting its latest update, and this time around, Big Hero 6 is coming to a park near you! If you’ve wanted to add Hiro and the gang to your park, get ready to begin unlocking new characters, buildings, and more on July 5th.
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Waking Violet
Waking Violet, out now on the Switch eshop, is a very interesting game. Its not a puzzle platformer, its just a puzzle game where you work your way through mazes. Thats the basic concept, but the game is a bit more complicated then that! Here is my review of Waking Violet for Nintendo Switch. Waking Violet is a very challenging puzzle game for the Nintendo Switch. In this game, you navigate Violet through devious levels full of tricky puzzles. These…
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