Harry Potter has never really faded away, but it has been a while since LEGO released dedicated sets to the franchise, outside of the sets released for LEGO Dimensions. That is all about to change with the launch of the LEGO Minifigures Harry Potter set, and a brand new, 6000+ piece Hogwarts Castle, featuring micro minifigures, rather than regular minifigures - of which there are a few as well. Let's dive in and take a look!
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Hello Neighbor Preview
So your neighbor may have committed a crime. Possibly a murder. You see him doing something fishy in his house. And so you call the cops right? Wrong! Instead of calling the cops like any sane person, you decide that you must sneak into your neighbor’s house and find out what exactly he was doing. Crazy right? Its also the premise for a brand new Nintendo Switch game called Hello Neighbor. Its coming out tomorrow, but I got an early…
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King Evan’s quest to unite all the lands of Ni no Kuni continue with three pieces of DLC for Ni no Kuni II: REVENANT KINGDOM expected to launch starting this August and into 2019. The three DLC drops include a free Adventure Pack, launching August 9, 2018, as well as two larger content drops as outlined in the Ni no Kuni II: REVENANT KINGDOM Season Pass, which will be released this winter and early 2019.
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Very Excited about Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
It's been less than a year since we got the phenomenal Assassin's Creed Origins based in ancient Egypt, and Ubisoft is wasting no time getting another Assassin's Creed tittle out the door in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. While there are subtle changes from Origins to Odyssey, a lot of the great features introduced last year are coming to this year's installment, and a whole lot more. While many are criticizing Ubisoft for seemingly returning to the yearly AC launches, I'm really excited for another major, open world experience!
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More Thoughts From Me #129: Traveling the Octopath Roads
Ever since I’ve played the second demo for Octopath Traveler, I have been super excited for play the full game. Don’t get me wrong: the first demo was good but that second demo blew me away. And now Octopath Traveler is out and I’ve played it some! Here are my first impressions of the game. Octopath Traveler is even better than I thought it would be and thats saying a lot because I had high expectations (especially after that second…
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Paladins Can Now Be Downloaded For Free On Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Switch has now become the home of some pretty interesting free-to-play games. Fornite is, of course, is the top free-to-play game on the Switch. Its a lot of fun too. I also like Fallout Shelter. There are other free-to-play games but those are ones that have my attention. Joining the ranks of free-to-play on the Switch eshop today is Paladins! A pay version of Paladins came to the Nintendo Switch this summer and today, a free-to-play version is available.…
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Xbox Adaptive Controller Launching Soon
The Xbox Adaptive Controller will be landing in homes across the country in September, and today Microsoft unveiled just a bit more of what people can expect when they open up their controller for the first time. First though, let's take a look at the journey.
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PDP and Abdallah Team Up For Great Contest
If you've followed our website for even a few months, you'll know that we are huge fans of Performance Design Products and the many items they have up for review. Abdallah has teamed up with PDP to run a fantastic contest and informative video, which you can view below. We've also tested many of these products, and will provide you some written reviews as well! Let's take a look!
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No Man’s Sky Jumping to Xbox One; Includes New Update
No Man's Sky is launching today on Xbox One - Friday in Europe - alongside the latest expansions, NEXT. With this update, the developers behind this troubled title are looking to right the ship, and provide an experience players thought they were getting when the game originally launched on the PS4 a few years ago. With promises of great things - and some good early impressions from those who have had the opportunity to see it, No Man's Sky has a new lease on life, and we are really excited to try it out.
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The Story Behind Donkey Kong Adventure DLC for Mario + Rabbids
If you haven't heard of Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, do yourself a favour and hop over to our review and give it a read. Recently, Ubisoft - in partnership with Nintendo - released a brand new DLC pack title Donkey Kong Adventure, and it was just as good as the original release.
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