Two chapters down, and one to go, as we all move forward in our quest to unlock Christopher Robins! How has it been for you so far? While I originally questioned whether the Big Hero Six event was fair when it launched - as many people complained that they couldn't get the necessary tokens to unlock Baymax - I'm not sure the same criticisms could be levied against the Maleficent event tokens, which if you are up to date with the games content and play regularly enough - even with a few hours off - you can easily obtain everything you need.
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Doom Eternal Announced For Nintendo Switch
Doom was an excellent addition to the Nintendo Switch’s lineup. I liked it a lot. And when Bethesda announced a sequel to Doom we all wondered if the game would be coming to the Switch. Wonder no longer: Doom Eternal was announced for the Nintendo Switch today! Check out the new non-Switch footage for the game below. Hopefully we’ll get Switch specific footage soon. Doom Eternal will be coming to the PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch! I…
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Viticulture: Visit from the Rhine Valley Expansion Review
Earlier in July we looked at how to play Viticulture and what we thought about the game, and this month we've been taking one of the games expansions for a spin, Visit from the Rhine Valley. While not a major expansion, Visit from the Rhine Valley gives players brand new summer and winter visitor cards to play with, which ultimately change up the game in major ways, while not swapping out too many components. Let's dive in!
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Nintendo Switch Paid Online Service Will Launch In the Second Half of September
On twitter tonight, Nintendo Canada announced that the Switch paid online service will start in the second half of September. We knew that the Switch paid online service would start in September, but we didn’t know when. Now we have a little bit more information: it will start in the second half of September. This still isn’t a specific date and hopefully we’ll get that soon. Nintendo is slowly rolling out details about its service. We know the pricing, about…
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New Details and Trailer for Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee
New details and information for Pokémon Let's Go Eevee and Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu were dropped today by the Pokémon Company International, and while all the information provided shouldn't be a surprise to long time fans of the franchise - especially those who have played Pokémon Yellow at some point in their lives - there was some information today that wasn't expected, including mega evolutions and more!
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Valkyria Chronicles 4 Demo Impressions
Flowers are first drawn onto the screen, then color spreads and the world of Valkyria Chronicles 4 is brought to life. Right away, Valkyria’s graphics are impressive. Not just the cutscenes, but the actual gameplay too. That said, does it have fun gameplay? I played the demo of Valkyria Chronicles 4 some yesterday and now I’m ready to give you my first impressions of the it. Should you check out the demo too? Valkyria Chronicles 4 is a beautiful game,…
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Disney Magic Kingdoms – Chapter 2: Unlocking Christopher Robins
Chapter 2 of the return of Maleficent has begun, and we are collecting drums in order to unlock Christopher Robins! Depending on how hard you worked during Chapter 1, you might have excesses tokens to buy drums, and get a head start on Chapter 2. With a few days left in this chapter, we have all the details you need to succeed!
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Super Smash Bros Ultimate Nintendo Direct
A Super Smash Bros Ultimate Nintendo Direct was livestreamed earlier today. I wasn’t expecting much out of this to be honest. By the end of this Direct though, my jaw was on the floor. Check out the Direct below and then come back to hear my impressions of this one. Warning: there will be spoilers for the Nintendo Direct! Simon Belmont is coming to Super Smash Bros Ultimate?! This awesome reveal was just the beginning of the Smash Bros Nintendo…
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Pokémon Trading Card Game: Celestial Storm Themed Decks
When The Pokémon Company releases themed decks for the Pokémon Trading Card Game, they never expect them to be someone's go-to deck for competitive play, but rather a great way to introduce new players to the experience. That is why each themed deck comes with hit tokens, status tokens, a playmate to help layout the gaming area, and a coin for flipping heads and tails. Each deck also comes complete with the sixty required cards to play a game, and for the most part, these are fairly balanced for to create a competitive experience.
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More Thoughts From Me #131: Severed Thoughts
There were a lot interesting indies on the Wii U and sometimes, some of them came to the 3DS also. One such game, that was on both the Wii U and 3DS, was Severed. I recently downloaded the game for 3DS thanks to My Nintendo, which has it up for Gold coins. Here are my thoughts on Severed for the 3DS. Severed, right from the start, is a very strange game. You are in first person mode, so you don’t…
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