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Diablo 3 Eternal Collection Has Been Announced for Nintendo Switch

Blizzard has been teasing for awhile that they were bringing Diablo to the Nintendo Switch. And yesterday, Forbes released an article about the game coming to the system and then quickly retracted the statement. Today, we found out that its true: Diablo 3 Eternal Collection is coming to the Nintendo Switch this year! Diablo 3 Eternal Collection has been announced for the Nintendo Switch. The collection will include the main game, all DLC, and Legend of Zelda exclusive items, including…

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Turtle Beach Stealth 300 Review

Thanks to our good friends at Turtle Beach, we had the opportunity to use the Turtle Beach Stealth 300 for a few months, and have thoroughly enjoyed our experience with it. Although we weren't crazy about everything the headset had to offer, it was a quality product for a great price, and anyone looking for that entry level headset would be well serviced by this device. Let's dive in!

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Tetra’s Escape

Tetris is one of my favorite puzzle games of all time. Tetra’s Escape for the Nintendo Switch…has nothing at all to do with Tetris. Yes, there are blocks and shapes that look like Tetris blocks but Tetra’s Escape is a different kind of puzzle game. Is it a good puzzle game though? The goal of each Tetra’s Escape level is pretty basic: reach the portal at the end of the level. The levels are very small and you always know…

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Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Demo Out Tomorrow For the Switch

Do you like the Monster Hunter games? Never tried one? Well, if you have a Nintendo Switch, then you should have your eyes glued to the eshop tomorrow for a Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate demo! I’m not a fan of the Monster Hunter games. I’ve tried several demos now and can never get into the series. That said, I will be downloading tomorrow’s demo. Hey, its free! Who knows, maybe this will be the Monster Hunter game that I like……

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Press release: Start Your Holiday Shopping Early with this Walmart-Exclusive Nintendo Switch Bundle

The Nintendo Switch is going to be a hot holiday item, especially with Pokémon and Smash Bros games right around the corner. So if you don’t have one and you’re looking for a deal, look no further! A new Switch bundle is on the way. Check out the press release below and then check out Walmart in September! “If you haven’t yet picked up a Nintendo Switch system or are looking to jump start your holiday shopping, Walmart has a…

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More Thoughts From Me #132: Lego (DC) Villains Attack!

Traveler’s Tales always does a great job with the LEGO games. Soon there will be another game added to the franchise: Lego DC Super-Villains! This one is a bit different though! Why? Lets take a look at Lego DC Super-Villains! Lego DC Super-Villains looks like it’ll be a little different from the usual Lego video games. In all the Lego games so far, you started out playing as one of your favorite heroes (or characters from a movie like Star…

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Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: Naval Combat

All this month, IGN has been releasing videos around the upcoming launch of Assassin's Creed Odyssey, and although the game doesn't seem to be getting as much attention as when Assassin's Creed Origins launched - due perhaps to the similar nature of both games - there still seems to be plenty to get excited about. Let's take a look at some of the recent news: Naval Combat.

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When fans of Dark Souls heard that the game was being remastered for the Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch, there was a bit of worry when the Nintendo Switch release was pushed to later in the year, not corresponding with the releases of the game on other platforms. Well, that worry should now be gone, as Dark Souls Remastered is set to launch on Nintendo Switch on October 19, 2018.

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No Man’s Sky Vastly Improved with NEXT Update

When we originally reviewed No Man's Sky on the PS4, we said the game had tons of potential but was plagued by problems that made coming back day after day a chore, rather than a delight. With the NEXT update, and improved to run perfectly on the Xbox One X, No Man's Sky has a new lease on life, and I for one couldn't be more happy!

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Marvel’s Spider-Man – Gameplay Launch Trailer

Marvel’s Spider-man for the Playstation 4 is coming out on September 7th! Here is a brand new gameplay launch trailer that was released for the game. Marvel’s Spider-man for the Playstation 4 looks amazing. The game will be coming out on September 7th, so not too long to wait. I don’t own a Playstation 4 and this game really makes me want one. The graphics are stunning and as a Spidey fan, the game looks like it has everything I’d…

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