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More Thoughts From Me #140: Letters From Torna

Nintendo and Adam Roffel sent me on a trip to Torna, the Golden Country, recently. Here are some of the short letters that I wrote to my twitter friends while I was there. Hey Adam Roffel, Thanks for setting up this trip to Torna. I haven’t had a vacation in forever. Please tell Nintendo I said thanks too. So far, things are pretty interesting here. I met a young woman named Lora and her blade Jin. They saved me from…

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Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna -The Golden Country Review Part 4

Parts 1, 2, and 3 of my Torna – The Golden Country review-in-progress are already up. In part 4, I will talk about the game’s graphics. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is wonderful looking but I think Torna looks better! The characters in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 have always had a unique cel-shaded look to them, but Torna takes it to the next level. In cutscenes, especially, the characters in this game look animated movie quality good with more realistic expressions and better…

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The World Ends With You – Pinning Down Battle (Trailer)

I’ve never played The World Ends With You. I saw some previews for the game on the DS and didn’t think the game would be for me. Now that the game is coming to the Nintendo Switch, I’ve been looking at some previews and what I’m seeing is very interesting. Check out the latest trailer for Nintendo and then please come back here for my thoughts for it. The battles in The World Ends With You look intense and very…

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Jack N’ Jill DX

Jack and Jill went up a hill…and ended up in a video game. Indie game Jack N’ Jill DX came to the Nintendo Switch eshop recently. I received a review code for the game and checked it out. Is Jack N’Jill DX any good? Jack N’ Jill DX is a runner. You do not control the movement of your character. At the beginning of the level, you press A and the character runs. After that, all you can do is…

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NBA 2K19 First Impressions

Thanks to our good friends at Xbox Canada, we were able to take a look at NBA 2K19 on the Xbox One X, and although it had been a few years since we had played a basketball video game - outside of arcade releases - and were pleasantly surprised with how far the genre has come. But is NBA 2K19 worth your time? Let's dive in!

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Two of 2018’s Best Marketing Campaigns

Promoting your product can be fairly difficult in 2018, because of two main reasons. It’s hard to know where people are getting all their content on, and who has the largest market share, making advertising decisions very difficult; second, there is always someone in China that can make it cheaper. Crappier perhaps, but cheaper. Enter Video Game companies, who have for years, been running fantastic marketing campaigns for their big titles, in an effort to get the hype building. Promotional…

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Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna -The Golden Country Review Part 3

Check out part 1 and 2 of my Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna -The Golden Country review-in-progress. Part 3 will focus on the new community and camping aspects of the game! Torna -The Golden Country introduces a new menu option, the Community section. With this menu, you can track people you’ve taken sidequests from and also just people you’ve met in general. As you journey throughout Torna, you’ll add more and more people to this menu. Complete quests for the people…

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Promotional Content Entices Consumers

Freebies and promotions are a great way to entice people to buy games, and generally this philosophy works really well. Take for instance major AAA releases, which offer limited perks in game for preordering the game early. In fact, new titles like Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and EA Sports NHL 19 both offered three day early access for those who preordered the game. The bonuses are rarely huge – early access as mentioned above, or sometimes cosmetic in game items –…

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Pokemon Let's Go

The Comfort of Gaming at Home

Gaming at home has never been easier than today, and with a plethora of options, it is no wonder standard arcades are slowly dying out across America. The days of pumping quarters into machines is over, not only because they replaced quarters with swipe cards a long time ago, but also because people are choosing to save those quarters to buy the next blockbuster AAA game like Forza Horizon 4, or FIFA 19. The push to play games at home…

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Xenoblade Chronicles: Torna -The Golden Country Review Part 2

Check out part 1 of my review-in-progress. In part 2, I talk about Torna’s battle system. I’ve already said that its better than Xenoblade Chronicles 2’s system. Why is that? How do you improve on something that is already so good? I’m usually not a fan of auto-attacking combat but Xenoblade Chronicles 2 made their battle system very interesting by giving players options when it came to special attacks for your main person and sometimes other people in your group.…

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