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Pokémon Scarlet & Pokémon Violet – Overview Trailer

An overview trailer for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet was released yesterday. The game will be out this Friday! Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet is the first open world game in the franchise. Not only that, but it provides three main quests instead of one. The overview trailer goes over these quests again while also showing lots of Pokémon. With the game(s) coming out this Friday, the hype is building for Scarlet/Violet. Will you be checking it out?…

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More Thoughts From Me: Checking Out Atari 50

I didn’t play much Atari growing up. I was a Nintendo kid. Though, over the years, I have played some and been very aware of the Atari Legacy. I was interested in the Atari 50 collection and really wanted it. Now that I’ve got my hands on the collection, what do I think of it? Here are my thoughts so far on Atari 50 Anniversary Celebration. When I was a kid, I played a little bit of Atari, but not…

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Tactics Ogre: Reborn Is Available Now

Tactics Ogre: Reborn is available now for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, and PC. The game is a remaster/remake of Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together. We have some thoughts on the game below. Tactics Ogre: Reborn is available now for the Switch, PS4, PS5, and PC. The game is a remaster/remake of Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together. The game was previously on the PSP. The Reborn version has improved the games graphics and given it some improvements such…

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Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration Launch Trailer

Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration Collection is out today. Check out the launch trailer for the game and then our thoughts on it. Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration Collection is out today on the Switch, PS4/PS5, STEAM, Xbox Series X/S, and Atari VCS. The game is a collection of Atari’s greatest hits over the years (and six new games). It includes over 100 games from Atari Jaguar, Lynx, 8-bit computers, 7800, 5200 and 2600 consoles! If you’ve ever had any…

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Tanuki Sunset

Tanuki Sunset is a game about a raccoon who skateboards down Mario Kart-like tracks and visits a cool skateboard shop. It’s a pretty neat game, but is it a good game? Here is our review of Tanuki Sunset for the Xbox Series S! Tanuki Sunset is a skateboarding game featuring a raccoon that plays a bit more like Mario Kart than a regular skateboarding game. You don’t race against other players nor do you get to choose who you play.…

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Indie World Showcase 11.9.2022 (video)

There was a brand new Indie World Showcase from Nintendo today! Check it out below and then come back here for some thoughts on it. Today’s Indie World Showcase was really good! A lot of games were shown and most of them looked excellent. Here are the ones that we were blown away by: Sports Story: The final game shown during the Showcase. We knew about Sports Story for awhile but had no idea when it was coming. Now we…

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Live By the Sword: Tactics

Live By the Sword: Tactics is a strategy rpg in the same vein as Mercenaries Saga and Final Fantasy Tactics. Who is this game for? Is it a good game? Here is our review of Live By the Sword: Tactics for the Xbox Series S! Live By the Sword: Tactics is a strategy rpg in the same vein of the Mercenaries Saga games. The story is very simplistic: two brothers band together with other heroes to try to solve their…

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The Newest Chapters in the Pokémon Series (Video)

A new video for Pokémon Scarlet/Violet was released today! Check it out below. The game(s) come out next week! The new video for Pokémon Scarlet/Violet was really good. It didn’t show anything we hadn’t seen before but it was a very nice showcase of what the new game has to offer. The new song is pretty nice too. What do you think of Pokémon Scarlet/Violet? Are you looking forward to it?…

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More Thoughts From Me: A Return to Halo

I remember playing the first Halo and thinking it was amazing. I had never seen anything like it. A first person sci-fi shooter with, at the time, stunning graphics. Interesting story too. Then I played the second one and was let down by how short it was and how it ended. I think I played the third one but after that, well, I didn’t have an Xbox One. Now I have an Xbox Series S and I’ve checked Halo Infinite.…

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Lonesome Village

Lonesome Village isn’t what you think it is. Instead of an action/adventure game like Zelda, Lonesome Village is an adventure game with simulation and puzzle elements. Is it a good game though? Here is our review of Lonesome Village for the Nintendo Switch! Lonesome Village is a cozy adventure game where you rescue a town full of animals by solving puzzles in a massive tower. As you get more villagers for the town, things start to unlock like buying furniture,…

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