Before there was graphics, there was the Text Adventure. One part reading, one part imagination, text adventures are just a novelty now but they are a really important part of gaming history. Let me take you on a trip back in time… Once a upon a time, there were no fancy graphics (actually, there were no graphics at all). There wasn’t even gameplay as we know it now. There were no video game consoles; only the PC. I wasn’t alive…
Read MoreAdventure
Lost Reavers Beta Impressions
Last week, the Lost Reavers Beta came out on the Wii U eshop. There have been no others betas on the Wii U before; the closest thing was the Splatoon Global Testfire. A beta is a really good chance for a developer to test out the online servers of a game. I played Lost Reavers over the weekend and here are my impressions of the game so far. The Lost Reavers Beta has four characters to play as at the…
Read MoreAdam’s Venture Origins Review
Puzzle adventure games have become increasingly popular every since the launch of the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3, but only a few have risen to the top and have, in effect, dominated the genre. The Uncharted series comes to mind here, as does Lara Croft's Tomb Raider series.
Read MoreShantae: Risky’s Revenge Director’s Cut Review
Shantae: Risky’s Revenge Director’s Cut is a port of a game that was once on the Dsi. Now the game is on the Wii U and being labeled a Director's Cut. Has the game's visuals been updated? What about its gameplay? Is Shantae: Risky's Revenge a Wii U game or a quick port of an old game?
Read MoreThe Flame in the Flood Review
Indie games are great, and Evolve PR is one of the best at getting relevant games into the hands of the right people. Without the PR company, I may not have known The Flame in the Flood existed. That's not the companies fault, it's mine for not being aware. And I'm so damn glad I found out, because The Flame in the Flood might be one of the best sub 20.00$ games on the market. With cute graphics, and outstanding soundtrack, and lots of strategic appeal, The Flame in the Flood might be one of the best indie titles available on Xbox One this year.
Read MoreMore Thoughts From Me #12: Staying Earthbound
Earthbound is one of my favorite Super Nintendo rpgs, if not my favorite of all time. I liked the game back when I wasn’t a fan of role playing games. I’ve bought Earthbound three times now: SNES, Wii U, and New 3DS. Why do I keep coming back to this game? I didn’t like any of the NES or SNES Final Fantasy games the first time I played them. What can I say? I was young and foolish. I did,…
Read MoreNintendo UK Takes A Look At The History of Star Fox
I still own Star Fox for the SNES. I never did own Star Fox 64 on the 64 because I didn’t have that system. I did buy the game on the Wii however and played the 3DS remake of the game! I’m a huge fan of the Star Fox franchise, especially when its a full on spaceship shooter. In a new video, Nintendo UK took a look at the History of Star Fox. We should do that too! I’ll tell…
Read MoreMore Thoughts From Me #11: Thank you Nindies!
I’ve reviewed a lot of Indie games in my short time as a reviewer so far. Some are great, some good, just ok, and some are really awful. But the Wii U needs every single Indie it can get! Why are Indies important to the Wii U? Let me tell you about it. When the Wii U first came out, there were not a lot of games for it, but there were some third party developers supporting the system.…
Read MoreA Grand Adventure Awaits in Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale
I’ve never played a Story of Seasons game before. I have played several of the Harvest Moons and one of the Rune Factory games though. So I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started up Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale for the 3DS. Would it be like Harvest Moon or Rune Factory? Return of PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale is an RPG first and foremost. The game does have a farming element, much like…
Read MoreMore Thoughts From Me #10: Video Games Don’t Need Stories
One of my early entries to this column said that every video game needed a story. Now I’m back to give you the opposite position: Video Games don’t need stories! Tetris, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros, and many other games do not have stories. After my last article about video games needing stories, I had some people say, ” Ya, but this game doesn’t have one.” And its true. Not all video games need stories. In fact, I’ll just…
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