The new Ghostbusters game from Activision didn't go over well in our offices, but that doesn't mean the game is complete garbage. Although I felt it was a passable game at best, a 'younger' member of the team thought it was outstanding, and logged so many hours into it. Like the TMNT release a few months ago, the new Ghostbusters title is definitely geared to a younger audience, and super fans.
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Splatoon Testfire Demo Returns This Month
Splatoon has been out for awhile now. Many people who have a Wii U have bought it, but not everyone. I’m not sure why not honestly. Splatoon is one of the best games on the system! If you are one of the people who still hasn’t bought the game, well, you’ll have a chance to try out the game soon. The Splatoon Testfire demo, which came out before the game and has been resurrected since, will be back online this…
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YIIK Demo Should Be Available On Playstation 4 Kiosks At Retail Stores Starting Today
For awhile now, I’ve been looking forward to a game called YIIK. The game is an rpg that seems a little inspired by Earthbound, though it also has its own unique flavor too. I’ve loved every trailer and every screenshot that has been revealed for the game. When will YIIK come out? No one knows for sure! But the title will have a demo available starting today. If you have a local store that has a Playstation 4 demo unit,…
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Axiom Verge Will Arrive On Wii U in September
When I first saw Axiom Verge, I just thought it was a Metroid clone. The game didn’t impress me at all. I wasn’t excited about the game coming to Wii U either. Why do we need Axiom Verge when we have Super Metroid? Recently though, I saw another trailer of the game and thought it looked good. Maybe I was wrong about Axiom Verge. Of course, none of knew when the game was coming out for Wii U, so there…
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Scoring No Man’s Sky on Potential?
As I work through countless hours of No Man's Sky, jotting down various thoughts as I go, I've started to think about how I'm going to write my review. Am I going to score it low because of hype Hello Games didn't create?
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More Dragon Quest VII Footage Released
As reviewers start to get their review copies of Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past for 3DS, new footage is being released for the game from Nintendo and other sources. And we have some new footage of the game today. If you want to see more of Dragon Quest VII before it comes out, you’ve come to the right place! I’m looking forward to Dragon Quest VII a lot. Whenever new footage for the game is released, I…
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Curve Digital Announces Adventure Game The Little Acre
Publisher Curve Digital announced a new game called The Little Acre on twitter today. We have details for the game and a trailer below. Plus: what do I think of the Little Acre?! Read on to find out! Curve Digital announced a new game called the Little Acre today. The game is being developed by Pewter Games with Charles Cecil as the executive producer. I admit I had no idea who Charles Cecil is. I looked here and found out!…
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No Man’s Sky: A Calming Experience
If you've had the pleasure of playing Subnautica, Ark, or a host of other survival titles, you know how tense and stressful they can be. In Ark for example, no matter where you decide to set up shop and lay down some roots, you always need to be aware of predatory
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Nintendo Announces Price Drops and New amiibo bundles
Nintendo of America and Nintendo Canada announced price drops for select Nintendo games today, a New 3DS bundle, and some new amiibo bundles. We have the details below! Nintendo Selects is a series of games that have been out for awhile and have gotten a price drop. In America, the price drop is $19.99 and in Canada the price drop is $29.99. We have a press release from Nintendo Canada below (includes some pictures with the NOA prices): ” NINTENDO…
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Metroid Prime Federation Force Demo Event Coming to Select Gamestop’s This Friday
Metroid Prime Federation Force will be coming to the 3DS very soon. If the Blast Ball demo that Nintendo released wasn’t enough of a tease, then you may be interested in the demo event coming to select Gamestop’s this Friday! Metroid Prime Federation Force is coming out on August 19th for the 3DS. Nintendo recently released a demo of the game’s Blast Ball section. During the demo, there was a section that teased the Federation Force part of the game,…
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