With Breath of the Wild for the Wii U and Switch right around the corner, I thought I would take a look back at my favorite Zelda games so far. I’m a huge fan of the Zelda series and have been playing the games since the very start on the NES. The following list will only be my top 5 Zelda games and some of the picks may surprise you. Here are my top 5 Legend of Zelda games. As…
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Lego City Undercover Goes Multiplatform in April
Lego City Undercover is one of my favorite games on the Wii U. The game is a lot of fun. It was also an exclusive game for the system for a long time. But soon, non-Wii U players will get a chance to check out the game. Lego City Undercover will be coming to the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in April. We have a new trailer for the game below and more details about the multiplatform…
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Nintendo eShop & Indies Will Be Ready For Switch Launch
Nintendo announced today that the eshop would be available at the launch of their new system: the Switch! Not only that, but there will be some Indie games on day 1 too. We have a press release below detailing what will and won’t be available on the Switch eshop’s first day! I remember when the 3DS came out and there was no online store. It was a few months before the Nintendo eshop appeared on the system. The Nintendo Switch,…
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Xbox One: Oceanhorn Demo Now Available
GamesReviews.com’s Adam Roffel wrote a review of Oceanhorn: Monster of the Uncharted Seas awhile back. He liked the game a lot. And now, if you want to check out the game, you can download a demo of Oceanhorn on Xbox One! Oceanhorn PR: “we’re happy to announce the release of a FREE downloadable Oceanhorn demo, now available on Xbox One! After the successful launch of Oceanhorn on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, the game topped 1 Million units sold across…
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I’m Going Back to Bed: A Look At A Unique Wii U Indie Game
I’m tired. I don’t feel like writing this article. I think I’ll go Back to Bed. Wait. What’s this? There’s a game for the Wii U called Back to Bed? Alright. I guess I can tell you about this game. I did just get the review code for this game yesterday, so I’ll only be able to tell you a little about it. My full review will hopefully be up next week! For now, let’s take a short look at…
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Dood! NIS America Announces New Games Tomorrow
Hey dood! Some exciting news is coming our way tomorrow from NIS America. Who is NIS America?! What!? You don’t know. Well, they are the people that bring us the Disgaea games & other awesomely cool games. Tomorrow they will be holding a press event. We have details, including where you can watch the event! NIS America will have a press event tomorrow, February 17, 2017. They will be announcing new games during the press event. I hear a game…
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Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy Is Coming to the PlayStation 4 In June
I remember playing Crash Bandicoot on the PlayStation 1 like it was yesterday. No, it wasn’t yesterday! Its been awhile since I’ve played Crash Bandicoot. For those of us who have played and for those who haven’t played it, Activision announced some exciting news today! Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, HD remasters of the original Crash games, are coming to the PlayStation 4 in June. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy will come to the PlayStation 4 on June 30, 2017!…
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Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Will Have DLC For Switch & Wii U
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is going to be a huge game. And now Nintendo has announced something that will make the game even bigger: DLC! Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will receive DLC this year for both the Wii U and Nintendo Switch versions of the game. Here is Nintendo’s press release on the DLC: “REDMOND, Wash., Feb. 14, 2017 – The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild for the Nintendo Switch and…
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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Developers to Host GDC Panel
Nintendo doesn’t always go to the Game Developers Conference in March. In fact, they have skipped the event a few times. This year, though, Nintendo has a big new system and a big new game coming out in March! Nintendo will be at GDC in March to talk about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. GDC, the Game Developers Conference, will be held in March. Nintendo will be there on March 1 and hold a Legend of Zelda:…
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Lego Batman Movie and Knight Rider Packs Are Out Today For Lego Dimensions
The Lego Movie is out this weekend at theaters! If that’s not enough Lego Batman fun for you though, Lego Dimensions is getting a level pack today that’s based on the movie. Plus: Knight Rider is coming to Lego Dimensions too! Check out the press release and some videos for the new expansions below! ” LEGO® Dimensions™ Adds Expansion Packs Based on The LEGO Batman Movie and Knight Rider New Story Pack Lets Gamers Play LEGO Batman’s Big Screen Adventure…
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