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RPG Maker FES – Create, Share, Play (Video)

RPG Maker FES is coming to the 3DS this summer to North America and the UK. Nintendo UK released a new short teaser for the game today. RPG Maker FES will be coming to the 3DS this summer! I love rpgs and I find it really exciting that this game is coming to the west. We usually do not get games like this over here, especially not for the 3DS. I hope I get a chance to play it! Check…

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Lego City Undercover Is Now Available For Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC

Lego City Undercover, a former Wii U exclusive game, is now available on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. In other words, you’ll be able to join Chase’s mission to track down Rex Fury no matter what system (or PC) you own! I was a huge fan of Lego City Undercover on the Wii U. Not only does the game have a huge city for players to explore, but there’s tons of costumes, vehicles, and more to…

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Animal Gods Will Appear on the Wii U eshop This Thursday

Animal Gods, from indie developer Still Games, will release on the Wii U eshop this Thursday. We have a trailer and more information about the game below. Animal Gods will be releasing this Thursday, April 6th, on the Wii U eshop. Here is more information about the game: “The Animal Gods have fallen. Once sacred, they are now husks—haunted beasts lost to toxic fumes from a great bronze industry. Play as Thistle, a small & agile warrior hellbent on destroying…

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Cube Life: Pixel Action Heroes – GAME CHARACTERS (Video)

Cube Life: Pixel Action Heroes came out on the Wii U eshop yesterday. Cube Life: Pixel Action Heroes is a Minecraft-style game combined with an action shooter. Take a look at the game’s newest trailer and then come back for my thoughts on it! Obviously, all of the characters in Pixel Action Heroes are based on actors that have been in action movies. Well, expect for that last one. I have mixed feelings about that last one (you know which…

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LEGO City Undercover Vehicles Trailer

Lego City Undercover was such a great game on the Wii U. There was so much you could do in the game, like drive all manner of vehicles! The newest trailer for Lego City Undercover, which is coming to multiple systems on April 4th, focuses on vehicles. Lego City Undercover is coming to the Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC on April 4th. If you didn’t get a chance to play the game on Wii U, then you…

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A Stranger In The Engine Room?! – SteamWorld Dig 2 Q&A (Video)

Steamworld Dig 2 will be heading to the Nintendo Switch this summer. We’ll be hearing a lot about the game via the wonderful folks at Image & Form. For instance, today they released a new video answering some questions about Dig 2. You can check that video out below. Steamworld Dig 2 looks fantastic. I don’t have a Switch yet but when I do get one, I will likely grab the game for that (or pick it up on 3DS…

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More Thoughts From Me #62: Alas, Playstation 3

Recently, I heard that Sony would be discontinuing the Playstation 3 in Japan. Its amazing that it took them this long, what with the Playstation 4 doing so well. I use to own the system, but traded mine in awhile back. I still miss the Playstation 3 to this day. There were a lot of wonderful games on the system. I thought that now would be a great time to look back at my Playstation 3 memories and the games…

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The Making of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Bonus Session (Video)

I beat the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild recently, but I still find myself playing the game to see what else I can find. Breath of the Wild is a really vast and amazing world. What do the developers of the game think of this world they created? Nintendo released a new video today “The Making of Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild -Bonus Session” where the creators go into detail about their favorite characters, shrines, and…

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The Disney Afternoon Collection Is Coming In April

When I was a kid, I was watched all of the Disney Afternoon cartoons: Ducktales, Chip N’Dale, Talespin, Darkwing Duck, and more. I never did play the NES games that were released based on them. Years later, I got to play the Ducktales Remastered game on Wii U and loved it. And now a collection of the NES games has been revealed and it looks very cool. Please take a look at the following trailer and then come back for…

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LEGO Worlds Review

I've been playing LEGO Worlds for about a week now, and have really been enjoying almost every minute of it. LEGO Worlds is so different from other LEGO games in the best way possible. While I still enjoy every LEGO game that comes out, this is a nice way to break away from the traditional formulas and do something different. I've never been a Minecraft fan, and was a bit skeptical of LEGO Worlds. However, after about 30 hours, I'm completely hooked.

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