Star Wars Unlimited: Jump to Lightspeed Accessories Review
A brand new set of Star Wars Unlimited means another round of fantastic GameGenic supplies to compliment the new cards. While we still haven’t got around to reviewing the premium card cases GameGenic offers for Star Wars Unlimited (don’t worry, we will eventually!) There are still a lot of products to get excited for. Because we’ve looked at so many of these before in past boxes provided by Fantasy Flight Games, I’m going to skim over the stuff that comes each set, and focus on the newer or more impressive items!
Once again, the brand new Jump to Lightspeed set comes with soft deck boxes with included token boxes inside. These are very hand cases that come inexpensively. They are a great upgrade over the paper/cardboard boxes you might find inside the Prerelease box, for example.
The new sleeves are the same as the old ones, with some unique designs. I like the basic Unlimited sleeves and we use them with all our starter decks. There are definitely better sleeves (even better GameGenic sleeves), but these are economical and still quite good to I highly recommend.
The Star Wars Unlimited Casual Album to hold cards was a nice edition to the box this time around. I don’t usually use card albums because I prefer to sort and box my cards by type, but I actually had a great time going through all my old cards, pulling the Rare and Legendary cards I wasn’t using in decks, and putting them, sleeved too, into the album. It’s a nice way to store valuable cards and my favorite cards, and the fact that they can be sleeved first is a big plus. With storage for 360 cards, it holds a lot more than you would think looking at it.
New this time around – I believe, I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong – are the Xtra-Wide game mats. I enjoy the standard mats that GameGenic produces for Star Wars Unlimited mostly because the art is fantastic. But when I was sent the large, 2-Player battle mat with all the zones highlighted I never wanted to go back to anything else.
The issue for me was that my dining table where we often play is pretty wide, so for two people to share that battle mat was a bit uncomfortable. The Xtra-Wide mat I received with this release featured some of the best art yet – the Millennium Falcon being chased by a Tie-Fighter. But more impressively, it is exactly half of what the 2-Player battle mat is, which means you get all the same zones and size of the zones, but with each player having their own unique mat. I love it!
Alright, the acrylic Premium Tokens GameGenic made for Star Wars Unlimited were phenomenal, but unfortunately the first set just didn’t have enough damage tokens for multiple players. The original thought might have been that both players should have their own set, but we found there was enough of all the other tokens for two players, just not damage.
The new tokens feature 1/3 damage tokens and 5/10 damage tokens, printed on each side of the token. This is amazing, and while I’ll just mix my two sets together as I play casually 90% of the time, I think now that one set will be enough for anyone just looking to play with friends.