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Tapestry Folded Space Insert Review

Our gaming group has played more than a few games of Tapestry over the years, and we have slowly begun upgrading our collection. First, I snagged the expansions for the game through the Stonemaier review process, and we enjoyed what those added to the game. Then we picked up the playmat for the game, which rolls up nicely and includes the Arts and Architecture track as well. And now we are looking at the Folded Space insert for the game, available now on the Stonemaier Games website.


I actually own three Folded Space inserts, none of which were built. Now, just the Tapestry one is built, and I’m excited to build the others too. Having a singular storage solution for Tapestry + three expansions is pretty important for me as I’m lacking board game shelf space as it is. With the promise to pack everything into the main box, I was intrigued by the space I could save with this product.

Getting the Folded Space insert put together and glued was MUCH easier than I thought. The reason I had never done my other Folded Space inserts before was because it felt a bit daunting to get started. With this Tapestry build, however, it couldn’t have gone smoother. It still took me over an hour to dry fit and glue all the different boxes together, but the final product was phenomenal.

Each box you build serves a distinct purpose, which I really enjoy. You don’t get 5 boxes/trays for player pieces and you are expected to fill them up with each colour as you see fit. No, you get a red tray, a blue tray, etc. That extends, obviously, to all the miniature buildings included with the game as well. It’s been a long time since I last played Tapestry, so I needed to find the cards within the box to remember what each building was. Once I did, however, I was able to quickly sort the buildings into their various boxes as indicated by the names stamped in the bottom.


I was a bit worried the buildings wouldn’t fit all that well. They are very unique in shape, and some of them have pretty big bases. I was surprised to see it took almost no effort to make them all fit. There are a few boxes where Tetris like skills need to be employed, but packing up Tapestry into the insert took me less than 10 minutes the first time I did it.

Folded Space products are not cheap, and in some instances the insert costs almost as much as the game you are sorting. I have bought these products in the past, so I know how much of a cost they add to your favourite games. That being said, at least for this insert for Tapestry, it i so worth it. I was able to remove two fairly large boxes from my collection by putting expansion content in the main box, and that alone is worth a lot to me. More shelf space is always a good thing. Afterall, my instagram handle is No Shelf Space!

Thanks to Stonemaier Games for providing this insert for review.


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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