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White Castle Components Overview and Impressions

Devir Games makes some truly amazing games, and we’ve had the pleasure of reviewing a whole whack load of them – they all have the same components issue, the fact that there is so much game and without an insert it’s hard to get it all back in the box. That problem exists for White Castle too, but after that, this production is a gem!


I don’t usually call out the artwork in these articles, but I want to here – the board is absolutely gorgeous, with so much detail in every corner. From the soldiers’ grounds to the castle to the gardens, everything is rich in detail and beautifully colored. Adding in the expansion board only makes the look of this on the table that much better.

I love the wooden pieces included in – these include all the meeples you are placing out on the board, and the wooden cubes that track your resources. I think using cubes instead of resource pieces was a really great idea, especially since the board can easily show you how many victory points you will be getting for excess resources. I do like the expansion player boards better than the base game boards, but they are both really great.


All of the cardboard used in White Castle is nice and thick. I did have a few issues with some cardboard pieces tearing when I punched them which was a bit disappointing, but thankfully nothing was too damaged. The cardboard bridges included in the game had me a bit skeptical as I was putting them together, but after it was all said and done, they were very sturdy and served their purpose well.

The dice included with the game just seem to be basic dice, although I do enjoy the colors they chose. They feel nice to roll and look great when placed out on the board and on the bridges – when it comes to table presence, this one has it in spades!

Overall, I’m pretty impressed with White Castle – it’s not the best looking game I’ve ever played, but it is still impressive. I do wish that perhaps the Meeples were screen printed to help you quickly differentiate them from each other when setting up, but otherwise it would be a cosmetic upgrade at best.


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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