Secret Slasher – Murder Mystery on Kickstarter
Last week Daniel Gugliotti reached out to me about a board game he was launching on Kickstarter, I took a look at it and it seems very cool so I wanted to share with all of you. Now it’s worth noting that this game has already reached its goal which is fantastic news, but there is still time for you all to get your foot in the door before it’s too late.

Direct from the creator:
“Secret Slasher is a new board game that I launched with Kickstarter on May 15, 2024. This is my first Kickstarter project I’ve ever created. The campaign was scheduled for 30 days. I am at 92% funding as of the writing of this email with 12 days remaining.
Secret Slasher is a Murder Mystery Board Game, inspired by my love for classic Slasher films. This tabletop game is simple and easy to learn, yet requires thought and deduction to be a competitive player. It’s great for serious board game enthusiasts, casual board game players, or even family night. Since the complexity of this game comes from strategy, and not from an absurd amount of complicated rules, almost anyone can play the game and have a great time.
A player can participate in the game as either an everyday Citizen (Cop, Nurse, Construction Worker, etc..) or a Slasher (Killer). No one knows who the Secret Slasher(s) is or who the Citizens are, this was assigned randomly and discretely at the start of the game. The objectives are simple, if you are an innocent Citizen, you need to complete your list of
errands or figure out who the Secret Slasher(s) is to win the game. If you are a Secret Slasher, you need to attempt or pretend to complete your Errands, all while discreetly and secretly Slashing the other players to eliminate them from the game, just don’t get caught!
4 to 8 players for the Classic edition, and 4 to 10 players for the Black edition.

The Kickstarter campaign has an exclusive bonus board that comes free with every game.
Play time is 20 minutes to 60 minutes.
Age rating is 13+.
We also have a fun event, we are putting all the names of our backers in the game manual on a special thank you page to thank everyone for their support (only for those who want).”
You can support the game here on Kickstarter and I encourage you to do so Secret Slasher – Murder Mystery Board Game by Daniel Gugliotti — Kickstarter